Violet's birthday


Violet smiles as her siblings serenade her with a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday”

Two years ago today I was up a 4 am getting ready for an induction appointment.  The hospital called and said they didn’t have time after all and they would call when they had a room open.  A disappointed Levi went off to work and I went about my day.  At 10am they called again and told me to come in.   Levi met me there and after IVs, a fairly easy labor & a failed epidural I met my little Violet face-to-face for the first time that afternoon.  I am here to tell you that the birth of an 8th child is no less joyous than any other.  Another beautiful moment that we will cherish forever.


Happy Birthday Queen Violet, may God bless you today and always.

I left the hospital and went straight to my brother Craig’s wedding rehearsal.  That is not something I would choose to repeat. This time I shall lay around and gaze at my baby girl. I hope!  Things don’t always go as planned (right, Jill?*).


proud daddy showing off his little girl for the first time


Destiny & Tamason(my sis) getting to know Violet


Sabra, Levi & Violet during wedding photos

We will celebrate Violet’s birthday tomorrow when we gather at Mom & Dad’s for Mother’s Day.  Though not quite as elaborate as last year’s party, she will love it.


*my friend Jill had a sweet baby girl via unexpected c-section on May 1.   Her baby has been in the hospital with unexplained symptoms since then.  Jill,  I pray that you can go home soon and simply enjoy your daughter.  We are thinking of you!

17 thoughts on “Violet's birthday

  1. Oh Happiest Birthday to you Sweet Violet! How cute. Don’t you just love little one’s birthdays? I know of two others whose birthdays she shares, which reminds me, I must tell them too.. My little one’s birthday is next week, Lily Elise. The Lily’s of the Valley bloom just for her birthday, we do a crown for her head and put them on her cake!

  2. Happy Birthday Violet!! Yes I remember when you came to the wedding rehearsal and Levi walked in w/ the carseat. We all went running to see her and she wasn’t even in there!!! LOL

  3. happy birthday beautiful violet

  4. Happy Birthday, sweet Violet! 🙂

    Her little hands just look SOOOO cute!! What a doll!


  5. Happy Birthday to your baby! I love the baby pic of her- so beautiful and she still is. Your whole life looks beautiful, Jen. God bless!


  6. Happy Birthday Violet!!!!!

    Happy early Mothers Day Jen!!! HUGE HUGGLES!

    Your friend and her baby will be in my prayers!

  7. Happy Birthday Sweet V! Remember your new sisters name is Havannah. wink wink

  8. Happy Birthday, sweet Violet. She so favors her daddy and she’s just a little princess. You can see her character well in your pictures of her (as well as all your clan.) Happy Mother’s Day to you and all the mothers in your family. You are truly blessed.

  9. Happiest of birthdays sweet Violet! What a special thing it is to give birth to little miracles and have the great honor of watching them grow. It’s amazing. I can’t believe that our wee ones are 2! What happened to time? Enjoy your little queen on her special day.

    My thoughts and prayers are with Jill and her precious baby girl. She’ll be home cuddling with her family in no time.

  10. Happy Birthday to Violet! What a beautiful girl….Have a wonderful Mother’s Day! Jill and her sweet baby girl are in my thoughts and prayers. May you be home together soon.

  11. What sweet pictures. Amazing, kissable cheeks. And what a picturesque first birthday as well. Birthdays are so bittersweet, are they not?

    I am praying with my eyes squeezed shut your friend Jill and her family are held in God’s loving and protecting light.

  12. Happy Birthday, Violet! I’m so happy I finally found a moment to read your mommy’s blog so that I, too, can share in your celebration of turning two! What a great age! Our Will David will be three soon, and I’m so gonna miss him being two. Two is such an age of delightful mischief and love and cuddles and continual discovery. I LOVE TWO!!

    Thank you, Jen, and anyone else who is praying for Annabelle. We still don’t have any answers (all tests come back negative, which is positive for us!), but we’re still believing our big God to take care of things and to confound the doctors. Annabelle has gradually improved every day — just not quickly enough for the doctors’ satisfaction. The NICU has become our second home when we aren’t trying to spend some time with the other 6 kids, but we’re so blessed to just go and cuddle her and kiss her and pray over her…and pray over her…and pray over her. I’m believing with everyone else that we will bring her home healthy and whole very soon, with all of this tucked away in a “chapter of life” behind us. Thank you for mentioning us (how wonderful to have people we don’t even know praying for her) and for keeping her in your prayers!

    Enjoy your girl’s day! Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day!!!


  13. Happy Birthday to your sweet Violet! your birth story sounds similar to mine, very similar..although we went a wedding 5 days after my son was born, not leaving the hospital! Wow, you are a champ! She is beautiful!!

  14. so precious:) happy b-day violet! Hey i think i recognize that house 😉

  15. aw, violet was soo flippin’ cute as a baby! course she still is.

  16. Oh those photos just make me remember the births of my three…just such a miracle…makes a mother swoon. Happy Birthday Violet! (late sorry)

  17. First your clothes are absolutely precious! I am glad to see more boy stuff is on the way.
    Secondly 8 children! God bless you – you look beautiful given a full house of munchkins. The newest addition is a beauty as well. My friend here at work just told me about your clothes and I am so glad she did.

    Blessings to you and the family,
    Katie Mc

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