The Elsa Dress


My sweet & sassy Hazel wearing her size 6/12 month eden’s bouquet Elsa Dress.  Busy as usual with her feathers standing on end.  She has an uncanny sense for open doors.  If any door is left open even a crack she toddles over at a supernatural speed and escapes.  The other evening she disappeared for a second,  I found her chasing the poor chickens around in the yard, all by her lonesome.  I scooped her up and told her that at 10.5 months old she isn’t old enough to leave her mama like that.  She simply giggled.

11 thoughts on “The Elsa Dress

  1. AWWW! She looks sooooo much like her Daddy! She is a beauty!!!!

  2. That’s so funny, I still think it’s crazy she is ‘running around’ at her little age :). Lovin’ the dress, you have to stop posting pictures because you know I have no self control and now plan on getting Harlow one for next spring. Got our last order yesterday and loved it all. Harlow wore the ribbon top with rose bloomers today until she drooled orange all over it.

  3. Well isn’t she little Miss Precocious! And precious at that!

  4. Oh, how very sweet. Sometimes simplest is sweetest!

  5. Ha ha!! My baby girl’s the same way!!! Man, I thought my boys gave me a run for my money but NOT like she does!!! Whew!! She gets into EVERYTHING!!! It’s unreal!
    Hazel looks absolutely precious!!:)

  6. She’s just adorable! =)

  7. what a doll! I just want to bite those cheeks!

  8. I can’t believe how big she’s gotten…so independent! That dress is perfect for her Jen! BTW…I finally started my blog…check it out!;)

  9. You have the most amazing collection of boys & girls clothes.
    I knwo that my grandchildren will not be wearing the same thing at a party as any other child there.

  10. Jen and Hazel… 😀 I just LOVE the ELSA dress! <3

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