The Big Boys



I’ve been a confident mother. Until now. Until now I’ve mothered a 
bunch of adoring and relatively obedient little children. And then one 
day my adoring little boys were replaced by stinky big boys.

 Since then I’ve been befuddled.

Yesterday morning they headed to church for confirmation class. I text 
them in the afternoon asking them to pick up a few groceries on their 
way home at 3 pm. No answer. Soon thereafter,  I get a voicemail from the pastor asking 
why the boys were absent.


Next thing I know they are texting me 
from California. 9 hours away. They are going for a swim in lake 
Shasta. Oh my grief & conscience!

My day is shot.  I drown my sorrows in a cup of coffee with a pint of 
heavy whipping cream. (Even though it was the day I had vowed to give 
up whipping cream and start exercising)

I’m in a minor rage. I finally get through to them on the phone. I say 
all the things mothers say when they are angry,  like:

“what were you THINKING”


 “How COULD you be so irresponsible when we trusted you?”

I hear the remorse on the other end. The remorse that comes when you 
impulsively disobey and find yourselves 500 miles from home.

I calm down and forgive them.

I spend the rest of the evening praying for their safe return.

24 thoughts on “The Big Boys

  1. OH NO! I hope the boys made it home safely and you were able to get some rest last night! Sounds like a VERY stressful day that just screamed for whipping cream….maybe a bit of chocolate too. 🙂

  2. OOOOHHHH! Jen that is fuuny stuff!!! Kind of!!!!! Hee Hee! I am only laughing because my boys are still little!!!! Hugs

  3. ahh my. well, craig said many times we should just off to mexico when we were dating haha so yeahh….. =)

  4. ( i was just too chicken )

  5. I can’t give up whipped cream either, no matter how hard I try. It just makes life better, and it sounds like you needed it! Good luck with your boys. That sounds like a really difficult and trying day. I hope things get better and they got safely home (now let the bomb drop on them)! 🙂

  6. bahaha..funny..but your poor nerves! I too am laughing loudly only because my kids can’t drive yet! My day is coming I’m sure.

  7. What can you do but laugh and make sure they pay for the gas!

  8. O Jen..I can say boys are the most blessed and unusual of God’s creation! LOL Thank God for your mothering! I know its hard to understand them.. I have two big boys right now myself..but you have done a great job despite their they have confidence that cannot be taught! It is as hard as can be to let my boys go too..I could cry at your misery.. just know I am there with ya..all of us moms are..its hard to let our boys grow up..hope they are home.. returned safe and sound and assured that it was the Lord himself who brought them safely back.. keep us updated as how this adventure came to be..its one for the family book! LOL love ya mean it! Stephanie

  9. I hear you. I raised six boys–the youngest is 28–and I still am often praying for their safe return!

  10. seriously?? so this is what I have to look forward to with 3 boys?? aaaah.. save me!

  11. what??!! good grief california?!?! at least when my hit that age they have nowhere to go but more prairie… ;0)

  12. Oh wow…crazy boys!!!

  13. Oh, can I relate. I’ve got 3. One day they were in smocked rompers with bowl cuts, and the next they’re sweaty lugs playing with bikes and basketballs!! ::sigh:: Great post!

  14. Really tho’, what WERE they thinking?!? Or are they pleading the 5th on that subject?

  15. Oh my! Teenage boys hurt my head!

    I pray that they made it home safely and are off doing their penance in the form of manual labor 🙂

    I think that whipping cream shouldn’t be given up when one has children at home.

  16. i remember doing that to my parents and regreting it after. it does not feel the same when you know someone is worried.

  17. I had a funny feeling when I heard from my son about the escapade
    that it might be your boys! How did I know…no idea!!!

  18. A throttling would commence the moment they walked in the door. And while I waited, I’d be coming up with a SERIOUS chore retribution list. Oh yeah.

    God help me, I have 2 boys right now…17 months apart. I don’t think I’ll survive it.

  19. Holy Goodness! I’d like to think I’m level headed but for sure all sorts of personalities would come out in me if this scenario came my way. Definitely get to blame them for the whipping cream weakness. They can be so grown like men and so silly like the boys they really are. Give their ears a mean pinch!…. then make them give you the best tight hug when they come through the door.

  20. Well, I’m not a mother, and I think that’s totally awesome. I mean, it sounds fun. I have half a mind to head to California myself right now (I live in Canada). But I can understand your concern. Still, if that’s the worst thing they ever do…

    : )

  21. Funny. Love their sense of adventure. . . Glad it’s not my boys yet!

  22. i have an 18 yrs old girl who has been the light of my life until she hit the last few months. where do they go? i swear it’s harder to have one teen than it is to have 5 little ones! hang in there!

  23. oh my! I’ve been away from my computer for 10 days… hope you all are well… small children, small worries (as we say here)! <3

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