Summer's End

Sconce glowing at dusk in August

A July wedding bottle still sitting on the post in August

August mountain

Another season, nearly gone. Another fleeting summer on this earthly journey.

A season filled with joy and sorrow, happiness and tears.

Though I always swear I can’t stand for summer to end, once again I find myself looking forward to Autumn.

5 thoughts on “Summer's End

  1. Those mountain views are just stunning. You could see them everyday & they would never get old! I’m looking forward to autumn too. My absolute favorite time of year!

  2. I am with you….not really wanting summer to end, but looking forward to fall! 🙂 It’s been a great summer….and I’m glad we got to spend part of it with you (even if we were crazy busy getting ready for a glorious wedding) and your family. 🙂

  3. Sooo pretty… ya I think I am a 4 seasons kinda gal.. I always look forward to the next season!!

  4. How blessed you are kiddo to be surrounded by such beauty :O)

  5. You need a like button here like they have on Facebook so I can hit it with alarming regularity.

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