How NOT to tea stain


It all started with this antique christening gown from England.   The plan was to tea stain it and embellish it with vintage lace.


While balancing my newborn in the crook of my left arm I got out the lipton tea bags and filled the copper sink with the instant hot water.


Do NOT leave the tea bags in while soaking the garment unattended.  If you are stupid enough to do this, please don’t document it.


Soooo, any idea on how to get tea bag stains out of an antique christening gown from England?

27 thoughts on “How NOT to tea stain

  1. OH NOOOO! Sorry I don’t have any advice for you, I’ll let you know if I hear anything. The gown is beautiful even with the spot!

  2. why not just stain it again? Won’t it darken allover some more? Then maybe it wont be noticeable? I don’t know just hinking out loud.

  3. I think tea is considered a “tannin” stain, so you should look for a stain remover made for tannins. Usually fabric stores have several different options.

  4. QHow do I remove tea stains from laundry?

    This is a tannin stain – a plant component that often shows as a color in the final product. Fresh tannin stains can usually be removed by laundering the garment using detergent in the hottest water recommended for the fabric.

    Never use natural soap in a bar or soap flakes because they make tannin stains more difficult to remove.

  5. I have no idea but it is a beautiful gown.

  6. Lemon juice added little by little to just the stain?

  7. Try washing it a million times. It will fade if nothing else. Then you can always re-dye it. I did that with some linen fabric. Washing it about 10 times lightened it considerably. By the way, you only need maybe 10 tea bags MAX for a garment that size. Just let them brew about 5-10 minutes in the uber hot water, and then stir the garment while in the bath and keep pulling it out to check it. Don’t walk away and leave it for a few… that’s how my linen ended up way too dark. Hope that helps.


  8. Sorry about your tea stain. I have washed literally hundreds of antique quilts & Christening gowns, first always try and spot clean, but since you have already over dyed I’m not sure that a good spot cleaning will match the softer hue of the tea dying, but here goes anyway. First always soak in COLD water, Cold water alone is a solvent and may help loosen the stain. Hydrogen Peroxide is a good safe cleaning agent if mixed with 8 TBSP. water to one TBSP. Peroxide. Swish around in a glass bowl, and dab the area that you would like to remove the stain with a Q-tip. If that does not remove the stain, you can always use a commercial whitener like BIZ, I add just a touch of the powder to warm water & swish it around till the water begins to bubble a bit then pour some of the liquid directly over the area of the stain. You can lay just the stained area over a glass bowl and pour the liquid over the dress and into the bowl. Hope this helps.

  9. An old remedy to remove stains from whites is to lay the freshly laundered (still wet)item on the grass in direct sunlight. I know the sun is not very strong this time of year but it may help. I have removed many stains from whites this way. Perhaps soaking in oxygen bleach before washing would help too. These are both non-toxic for baby too!

  10. oh no! I would try oxi-clean.

  11. Oh NO!!! It’s soo gorgeous too:( No idea on how to fix it…sorry . Best of luck tho

  12. Try BIZ! It is on my list of favorites and always seems to save the day when it comes to a nasty stain. I like the liquid form, but it also comes in a powder. There is a BIZ (dark blue bottle) and a BIZ BABY (pink bottle)…either one is fine. For tough stains I pour a small cap full directly on the stain and wash within 5 minutes. It can usually be found at Walmart and/or Target in the laundry detergent area. Good luck! Beautiful dress!

  13. Yeah, I tea-dye alot of items and I learned that the hard way too–you cannot leave the tea bags in! Personally, I like it like that! Ater all, it IS an antique right? Hazel will look beautiful in it no matter what…and for photo purposes, you can always Photoshop the dark spot out! 🙂

  14. I cant see any stain. Sorry to hear that.
    But wow, what a gown that is. 🙂

  15. […] Read the rest here: How NOT to tea stain […]

  16. I have had this same problem before and I used bleach and it took care of the problem. Good luck, it is a beautiful gown!

  17. Oh no! What an incredible dress. Have you ever soaked anything in Oxiclean? It does wonders for me. That, or a teeny tiny bit of bleach in very hot water. But I am not sure how that would do on vintage material. Best of luck!

  18. Oh, no! Sorry, no idea how to get the stain out. If it makes you feel better, I made the same mistake dying some of my labels….

  19. […] original here: How NOT to tea stain | The Chronicles Of Windy Ridge By admin | category: tea bags | tags: copper, filled-the-copper, got-out, left-arm, tea […]

  20. What a beautiful gown! Sorry about your mishap…I’m not very good at stain removal, but I’ve creativel covered a few before. 🙂 What about a little vintage fabric or lace rosette on the stain,and then a few scattered about…so they look like they were always there…or maybe a band or vintage lace around the dress…that also just happens to cover the stain?

    Good luck…I’ve not doubt you will find some way to solve this.

  21. I would soak it in Oxy (I prefer the liquid), I soak all problem stuff in Oxy and it has never failed or ruined anything. Hope something works even if it isn’t my Oxy idea.

    Ok so I am so excited that I finally ordered my first Eden’s Bouquet item, the denim ruffle capris. I swear I was dreaming about them so I just decided to do it already with your great Fall promo. Hope your having a nice weekend with your family.

  22. Soak the whole gown in RIT dye remover!! Thank me later. 🙂

  23. Oh boy, sorry Jen I don’t have any help for you!!

  24. Jen have you tried gall soap?

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