
Anna & I escaped to the coast (Cannon Beach) to eat, sleep and get away from our stinky house and sweet, but very stinky families. Just one night and one whole day to wander through the shops and restaurants. As slow as we wanted. I lounged on the bed in front of the fire and nobody bounced me. Β It was perfect.


13 thoughts on “Escape

  1. that just sounds amazing!

  2. Yes, it was perfect!

  3. So glad you got a non-stinky getaway with no bouncing! Sometimes that’s just what moms need:)

  4. Sounds like a blast!

  5. OH, how nice! What a wonderful looking get away! Every mama needs that from time to time. πŸ™‚ Glad you had a good time away.

  6. its the simple things in life….like no bouncin on the bed πŸ™‚
    the pink bushel baskets are adorable!!

  7. Thats something i need to do! Sounds like the perfect mini break πŸ™‚

  8. Aren’t those the best getaways . . Blessings:O)

  9. Haha stinky families. . . .

  10. Looks amazing! Now I’m craving a trip to the beach without the stinky kiddos! Btw, we are now “neighbors”. πŸ˜‰ As I’ve looked out our back windows, it’s fun to know that the amazing ‘Windy Ridge’ is just beyond the trees! πŸ™‚

  11. That sounds heavenly! πŸ™‚

  12. I can totally understand stinky families.. pretty much EVERYthing is stinky at this point in the pregnancy.. lol

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