County fair

Ah, the county fair. Β It has been awhile since we have been to the Clark County Fair. Matter of fact, I think the last time I went with Levi was when we were dating. Last night I felt like a young girl, again. Except this time instead of walking around holding hands, all starry eyed with our head in the clouds we were chasing children and trying to control a 2 year old’s tantrums. Despite the stress, it was fun to recollect the memories and watch the expressions on the children’s faces, smell the elephant ears wafting through the warm summer air, hear the loud music and the age old words: COTTON CANDY! COTTON CANDY! RED ROPES!

I think Levi thought so, too. Because when it was all over he said something like:

“Let’s do this again in about 20 years.”


Crazy awesome riders. Hazel totally got into the show..hootin’ & hollering and stomping her little feet.

Everywhere we looked there were people we knew. It was like a family reunion, except I didn’t get a chance to visit anyone.

It was nice to see them, nonetheless.

We ended the evening with ice cream, shaved ice and a long, leisurely, dusty walk back to the car.

8 thoughts on “County fair

  1. Fun fun.. tantrums? Little Man has been throwing some lately… Ai yi yi!!! :/

  2. gotta love the fair (every once in a while)! We must have just been leaving as everyone got there (we went to the afternoon motorcross show).Haha also we must think alike my fair blog post started with “ahh the fair” πŸ˜‰

  3. How fun!!! It is utter chaos, for sure. I love that first photo. You should put that one on canvas. πŸ˜€

  4. You have such a beautiful family . . very unique and original. Love the sitting area in your earlier posting. Blessings, Sandy:O)

  5. Looks like a BLAST! reunion…that’s great:)

  6. this looks like so much fun.. we love the fair.. we are going to our county fair wednesday… yay.. glad you had fun..

  7. Such adorable kiddos! Love Violet’s hair! πŸ™‚

  8. Some absolutely gorgeous images Jen

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