Last weekend



Last weekend found us exploring the coastline for potential homes.  I don’t ask for much, just a historic home high above the tsunami hazard zone with an amazing view. Out in the country, but close to town.

Of course the competition’s name is Windy Ridge so that is a challenge.  I LOVE it here.  As far as earthly homes go, I think this one is perfect.


The ocean is calling Levi’s name.  Opposites do attract because I am petrified of that infinite mass of saltwater.  If I had my way none of the boys would board a vessel without first putting on their life jacket, safety harness, arm floats, snorkel…

I love the beach towns, the quaint old homes, the smell of salt & fish, the easy living and looking at the the ocean. I just don’t want it to swallow me.

Naturally, tsunamis scare me.  Did I tell you about the time that one was chasing us?  Intense.  We evacuated in about 5 seconds flat and escaped with only minor injuries.  The injuries were from the evacuation(considering the tsunami didn’t end up exsiting).

That doesn’t change the fact that I know what it feels like to be chased by a monster wave.  In that moment there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that we were about to be crushed, swallowed and spit out by the ocean.

I wonder if we move to the ocean if I will have a nervous breakdown?  I most certainly would if I felt the earth tremor.  How does one gather up 9 children?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

If you are in the market for 8000 sq feet and 84 acres….have we got a deal for you😉


25 thoughts on “Last weekend

  1. Oh Jen, can I please come visit before you say good bye to Windy Ridge? That place is amazing. Can’t you guys just buy a little cottage for some getaways and keep Windy Ridge. Maybe you can just turn it into a retreat location…I am certain it would stay booked.

  2. Wow, Jen! Just wow! Sounds like big changes may be in store for you all. 🙂

  3. SOLD! I wish!!! I can’t wait to see what you guys find and I know your home will bless another family so much. Truly gorgeous!!!

  4. Oh my gosh! I feel you on the tsunami fear! I love the ocean and love living on the coast, but that is my biggest fear. We just moved to Okinawa, Japan and our backyard is literally a beach. I have to watch my anxiety on this issue because it can consume you! The first hint of a warning and I will grab my kids up and be out of here within seconds!

  5. a heartbeat….just wondering if the cowboy would agree?? because you know how much i *love* your home…sigh…heck i’d take it just for the copper tub! i haven’t ever been out on the ocean…the closest i’ve come is lake powell…which terrifies me!! can just imagine myself sinking…i’ve always wanted to have a home near the ocean though…something like practical magic kind of home…sigh…dream…
    good luck…would you consider taking on another child…like me…i could help gather up children if that tremor ever came!! :0)

  6. I do hope this is a private comment. Your home and family are simply amazing and also interesting to me. From what I’ve read on your blog, it seems that you live fairly close to your parents and siblings. Where you live is simply gorgeous! I would like to know if your children attend public schools, or do you home-school them? Please, what type of profession does your husband have that allows you to design your clothing line and stay at home with your children? I’m not trying to be nosey, I just don’t understand. My husband and I are both teachers, and there is NO WAY we could ever afford that beautiful house and land. In fact, we couldn’t even afford the front and back porch! Thanks for allowing me to question….

  7. WOW!! Laura Ann’s suggestion above sounds good. I grew up in a coastal town (in australia) and just loved the lifestyle. We moved inland about 5 years ago and i still miss living by the sea, the smell of the sea air, walks on the beach etc. Sounds like you are in for a bit of an adventure! The photos are stunning!

  8. Says the lady with a volcano outside her office window… : ) No, I definitely hear you on the ocean thing…water views give me the heebie jeebies. It’s a nice place to visit but…

    I’m praying for ya’ll!

    : )

    Julie M.

  9. You mean I might not bump into you at costco anymore?????

  10. Oh I can’t imagine leaving that beautiful perfect spot! It seems so perfect for your family… and so close to your family. The ocean is so huge, it is overwhelming, but beautiful to look at though. Yes, what about a getaway cottage? Good idea. =)

  11. beautiful pictures…. I fall in love (more) with life when looking at them

  12. Oh Jen I love WR!!!! But I am split!! My favorite childhood memories with my Dad and his fam are spent near Mt St Helens but equally I love Long Beach my Grandpa and Grandma would take us on vacations for as long as I can remember!!!!! We didn’t have a lot of money growing up but my Mom and Dad would park a travel trailer downtown Long Beach for the summers when I was a kid. Good Times!!!! I feel at home at both places but your home at WR is a dream!!!! I can not wait to see where your next adventure takes you!!! Your blog is so cool!!!!

  13. I lived in Astoria for a few years when we were first married:) If I had been the person I am now I would’ve loved it, but I just missed my friends and Fam too much to really make it there. I wish you all the best in wherever God puts you!

  14. Where do I sign?

  15. o crimeny..i feel like bawling…let me have a moment………………………..nope still feel like bawling! well we have to trust that God knows what is best for us I ya mean it!

  16. Haha… I remember when you guys ran away from the tsunami… we weren’t there, but I remember it!! Ya I am paranoid of falling in the ocean… Tim took Tyrel deep sea fishing when he was 8 and forgot his life jacket… luckily I didn’t know about it until later, I was so mad at him!! Still am sometimes!!! LOL

  17. Le sigh..such sad but overwhelmingly (is that a word) exciting news! I dream of moving to the ocean. I have no doubt that you’ll turn your new house into a wonderful home for you and your family no time! Good luck with your search!

  18. Tell Levi he’s going to have to wait like 10 yrs. or he maybe rsising 9 kids by himself with momma’s in the mental ward. 🙂

  19. Come on Mega Millions, I would snatch up Windy Ridge in a second!!!! I feel you on the ocean, not a fan of water myself.

  20. Is it that warm in Washington State in February to dip feet in the water? WR is not completely finished and you want to leave it?? You are just doing a little dreamin’ right!! Your home is TDF, unless you can make a killing on it, stay put.

  21. If it were a couple years from now, we would snatch up WR in a heartbeat. We ultimately want to be in that area anyway. We love the ocean, and I grew up not far from the ocean. I am more of a mountain girl. You’ve definintely got the best of both worlds where you are now; however, you will safely land where He wants you to land. I vote ASTORIA, Coos Bay, or Long Beach. I also think, if you can swing it, to keep WR as a vacation rental. Not sure how you’d feel about having others in your home. But it’s always an option. With a family of 11, plus all your animals and belongings, moving away from WR is a very big step. Not sure what the SqFt capacity is on moving an actual house, but I saw in New England where a couple bought this incredible 1910 (?) Victorian home with original stained glass windows, etc. and they paid to have it hauled to a new parcel of land. Not sure if that is an option for you guys, but it might be something to consider.

  22. We’re in the market! Have any photos you can share of your beautiful home?

  23. Too bad Utah doesn’t have lottery or I’d be buying tickets! Thanks for giving me something to dream about though! 🙂

  24. If I don’t get my new house Wednesday we are packing up and moving in. I already talked to David, it’s a go. And all the girls at MJC are ready to come too. And I’m not jokin!

  25. Jenn, that has totally been my dream! Reading what you wrote sounded like my brain & thoughts TO- A -T!! Tsunami and all! Every time we go to the beach a tsunami crosses my mind. Every time we go, we go “house hunting” only dreaming of our retirment or getaway cottage someday. I told kevin one day we will, I don’t care if it’s a dilapitated one bedroom half rotted little cottage….OH MAUI is my second dream, lol…but I know that is a pretty tall order.

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