35 weeks


My canon is giving me error 99 so this time I was forced to use the iPhone camera.  The snapshots turned out quite fuzzy, which is fine with me.  You can see Hazel is still posterior in the 2nd photo.  Right now baby Hazel weighs about 5 lbs and is around 18 inches long.


A little under 5 weeks left and baby still isn’t giving me too much trouble. Sure,  I am packing an extra 40 pounds at this stage (most of it not baby) and I can’t run like I used to or walk without the distinctive pregnant waddle, but it could be worse.  My aunt, Becka, is due the same day and her baby was over 5 lbs long ago.  She has diabetes so chances are her baby will be a lot bigger than Hazel.  I can’t imagine carrying that around inside me.


Notice Violet watching Noggin in the background of this photo.

We are still experiencing an extreme heat wave in the Pacific Northwest.  Yesterday was 107 degrees, the highest temperature ever recorded in our area.   The sweltering weather arrived at the same time as the grass in our lawn started to sprout.  Which is also the same time our well decided to go dry.  We are drilling a new well right this moment and I am crossing my fingers that we will hit a geyser of some sort.

On another note…everything from the Friday Harbor Collection is in with the exception of the Josephine Skirt & Top.  We hope to receive those this week!  All other styles in this collection ship immediately.

23 thoughts on “35 weeks

  1. you look great.

  2. You look smokin and ALL baby from here.
    You’re almost there!

  3. Ugh I can barely do 85 let alone 107!!!! SO sorry!!!
    You look amazing! 🙂

  4. you are so cute! wish we lived closer would love to do maternity pics for you!!

  5. That is one amazing belly! I am glad you are feeling well and of course looking well. I don’t know where you put the extra weight because you would never know.
    I hope the heat wave breaks for you…we have been mild this year so its a big change that I really don’t mind.
    Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. You’re belly reminds me of mine during my pregnancies, only I was fatter;) You look great! Makes me long for just one more. Maybe next year…:)

    Here’s hoping you hit that geyser before your new grass burns!

  7. cuteness!

  8. Seriously Jen you look amazing…I love your hair, if I could rock short hair I would and one other thing, don’t you love Noggin! 🙂

  9. Too cute Jen! it wont be long now!

  10. You look great! I wish I looked that good when I was 35 weeks!
    I’ve recently encountered error 99 with my canon-very frustrating. I’ve googled the problem and there’s alot of advice out there. Hope you can get it fixed.

  11. Jen ~ You look amazing….I can not believe you only have 5 weeks left. Seriously, it seems like it has flown by. I am sure not for you, but I just remember reading about you finding out you were pregnant not too long ago. Oh, I can not wait to see little Hazel Jean. Is Violet ready? Is she talking about her? Have a great weekend and stay inside where it is COOL!

  12. You look great! Only a few more weeks!

  13. Jen you look amazing – I actually like the grainy look to the photos, kinda cool. Wish I could’ve looked as fabulous as you do pregnant!

    🙂 T

  14. Oh my 107 is hot! I hope you all are able to stay cool! You look great! Can’t wait to see Miss Hazel 🙂

  15. it sure does look like it’s all baby – you look amazing! love the belly and iphone pics. seeing these makes me want to do it all again. i’m so excited for you – she’s almost here!

  16. What a beautiful belly and still amazed that you look so great after several babies. We’ve talked before and I’m on my 5th with 9 days to go unless she makes a surprise appearance. I’ll have to keep checking back. I forgot we were so close in duration. I hope all goes wonderful with little Hazel.

  17. You are gorgeous! I think pregnant women have a glow about them…! and you sure do! I vowed that after delivering a 10.3 oz baby I would not have another. I miss it and loved beiing prego. You just get pampered and treated so nice..well, most of the time! Can’t wait to see Hazel, what a darling name! I have a Lola, it’s so fun having girls!

    San Francisco, cA

  18. I think that error99 just means a bad battery connection. Just pop out the battery and put it back in.
    I had it once and had to look up on the Canon website what it meant.

    You’re looking gorgeous!

  19. you look absolutely adorable! Congrats and here’s to hoping you get a cool-spell before baby Hazel arrives. ;o)

  20. Love these images. Love your honesty in it all and your wonderful sense of humor and take on everything and well you just glow. So take that for your day. Can’t wait to see images of baby Hazel. Praying the next remaining weeks of pregnancy go with joy and ease in every way possible.

  21. […] think  I would rather hold Hazel in my arms than in my […]

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