16 weeks


You know what we are doing here?  Looking at Levi’s donkey.  Thought you would want to know that.


 The pretty hairpins from Geeta inspired me to get my hair done.  You can shop her collection here .  If you want a good laugh just stare at my nose for awhile, quite comical.  

I wasn’t sure I could justify getting my hair done when I have family members struggling financially.  Then I decided that they would probably rather starve than look at my unruly mop for one more day. There, I have justified.   This is the first time I have had it thinned(a must!) and cut since November.  I went to our local beauty salon.  The same one Tonya Harding goes to.  I’m just saying.  I love small town.


The bean at 16 weeks.  I am at the tail end of the sickness and should be almost 100% in another week when I reach the 4 month mark. Yes!  I am starting to feel flutters and I am looking forward to a good solid kick.  A beautiful reminder of why I am doing this.

26 thoughts on “16 weeks

  1. Your hair is darling – as are the hair pins!

    As we have just met~
    You look fabulous. What an exciting time, especially when baby bean begins to inform you that they are here. I always love that.

    (now, if we had known each other for some time… Zowie! That is one substantial baby! You are sure there is just one, right? 🙂 tee hee! I know, I am a mean long-time friend, so you may want to get rid of me before you have another…)


  2. Your hair looks great. Nothing better than a good thinning from time to time. I will look on her site. The hairpins are sweet. Glad to see you are doing better.

  3. you look beautiful Jen.
    and if i see tonya wearing the same do as you, I am so calling her out!

  4. your hair looks great, the hair pins are gorgeous, and your baby bump is adorable!!

  5. oh, and i have that sweater:)

  6. Hey – I love the nose!! Cute hair too. I can see a little of my nose in it, funny I would have never thought, no wander people use to think we were twins, LOL

  7. You look so beautiful. Hurray to almost being 100%.

  8. you are completely and utterly adorable!! The hair rocks!! 🙂

  9. Lovin your haircut. Love the post! Glad things are going well with the baby now! Awesome news.
    I have never had a baby but I bet flutters are wonderful.

  10. Oh I miss the belly….enjoy it. You look just beautiful!

  11. you look beautiful!! Love the hair cut too!

  12. You look fabulous and the hairpins are adorable too!

  13. Your hair is so cute you and the Bean looking beautiful.
    Great you are feeling better.

  14. Omg look at how gorgeous your belly is! And your hair looks beautiful.

  15. You are beautiful! If I looked that good while pregnant I’d have a few more.

  16. You look Adorable Jen, I love to see new babies “under construction”. !Your hair looks great too. The memories of those first little kicks, excitement, love, patience……..
    Wendy P.

  17. adorable!
    you look great~cute hair too!
    i just purchased a white flower hairpin from the shop
    you linked 🙂 happy weekend

  18. twiit tweew

  19. That’s wonderful! You look wonderful too, sick or not. I am loving those hair pins, so perfect for spring.

  20. Love the cut! makes me want to go get mine done too…been putting it off.
    And you look so great with your 16 week baby bump. 🙂 So glad to hear you are on the tail end of being sick!
    It’s no fun.

  21. Jen you are just gorgeous!!!!!!!
    Love the hair. I wanted my big cut to be astacked one like that but they didn’t cut the back short enough. My friend is in town for my bday and she just got the same cut done as well. You guys are making me want to get my hair fixed properly!

    Adore seeing preggo pics!!!!! Awwww the flutters and kicks.

  22. Oh my pins!!! And in your hair…in that lovely haircut…that frames the perfect face.

    (Thank you to your readers for their lovely comments on the pins, Jen is so generous to share)

  23. BTW how in the heck do you stay so young looking with so many kids! ?!?!!

  24. You are such an amazing woman and mother!!!

  25. I just had to comment on how beautiful you look. At least I have finally seen someone else that has a fast showing bump like me. I am a little behind you though since this is only my 5th. LOL

  26. Do you folks have a facebook fan page? I regarded for one on twitter however couldn’t discover one, I would really like to become a fan!

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