Wednesday morn

photo taken out the kitchen window this morning

I love waking up to the windows glowing orange from the morning sunrise. A perfect day for our annual Windy Ridge Autumn Festival. Β With only around 30 guests this year it will be a simple affair. Soup potluck and pumpkin carving.

Today I am going through inventory and samples. Sample sale on Monday!

9 thoughts on “Wednesday morn

  1. Absolutely breath taking! What a view to start our day with. πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing. I need a copy of that view to put on my wall, then I could start my day that way too! πŸ™‚ Love it! Have fun at your festival, sounds like a fun day.

  2. Pretty! Would have been fun to come down, maybe next year tho! πŸ™‚ there will be new babies then too!!

  3. Beautiful view! I can see why you want to stay at Windy Ridge πŸ™‚

  4. Wow . . what a beautiful view to wake up too! Thats called blessed . . Sandy:O)

  5. Wow look at that view! Breath taking.

  6. Beautiful! So happy you aren’t leaving Windy Ridge! I think we would all miss it as much as you! Oh..and ONLY 30 guests? Dear mercy..that’s enough to make me take to the bed with a rag on my head! Ha!

  7. This is the view out of your Kitchen window?
    Yes, you do live in an enchanted place. I came here from Mysweetsavannah and got completely engrossed in it. πŸ™‚

  8. The info on this post is useful.

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