This Morning

This morning before I was completely awake I realized I was nauseous.  I opened my eyes and announced to the ceiling, “I’m nauseous!”

In that moment I knew that #9 was growing.  I am amazed.  I didn’t even consider the possibility.  It is so unexpected.  I immediately thought of the movie “Cheaper By The Dozen”.  I am HAPPY and scared.  Scared because I may not be able to get Zofran to stave off the constant and relentless puking.   Scared because I feel like my family needs me to keep eden’s going full throttle in this economic mess.   Consider the ravens…

34 thoughts on “This Morning

  1. Congrats!!!!!! You go girl!

  2. Oh wow. Wow wow wow! #9. I am thrilled for you, so EXCITED for you. I immediately thought of your post a few days ago, there is always a plan.. you have a little plan growing right now! If you need anything that I could possibly help with, give me a shout 🙂

  3. WOW that is AMAZING! Congrats!

  4. Congratulations! All of your children are so beautiful…and doesn’t pregnancy just make us more creative? (When we’re not puking of course…)

  5. Wow–congratulations! I appreciate reading about your faith, even in these uncertain times. May this year bring you much joy and success!

  6. You can do it!
    Use your ideas and your family can help you with Eden’s.

  7. Congrats!

  8. 9! fun. i only counted 5 from your pics! would love to see a group pic…

  9. Ps 127:5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
    Congratulations are in order, I believe!! We pray that the hardship of being pregnant will be minimal this time. God bless you and yours. I get to be a great uncle once again, Lord willing! Family is one of the greatest blessings on this earth.

  10. I only counted 5 too..we’d love to see a family pic with all of you 🙂 I have 5 and if it were up to me, I’d have 5 more..sadly we are done. Congratulations on your wonderful news!

  11. Congratulations!! That is amazing and wonderful news!! The nausea always gave it away for me too. A particular type of nausea like no other. Mine was non stop round the clock for 3 months both times. I couldn’t keep the anti nausea meds down though. 🙁 Ok, so I’m a real downer lol!

    I’m super happy for you! I also would love to help in any way I possibly could!

  12. Congratulations!! Wishing you a happy and healthy year!!

  13. Congratulations! Everything will be just fine!

  14. Om my goodness, Jen, that’s wonderful! I read the first sentence and squealed out loud. I know it is overwhelming, but God won’t give you more than you can handle. He has got a wonderful and miraclulous plan for you and he will be with you every step of the way. Eden’s is such a fantastic, recognizable brand, you will be able to do great things to move it forward this year and every year after. What a precious miracle! I have admitted to no one but my husband how badly I want another child. I am working my butt off to make 2009 a year of miracles and blessings in our life to move us to a place where I feel like baby #4 is a possibility. It doesn’t help though that everyone around me is getting pregnant now;) I went into Babies’R’Us this weekend to pick up some things for Layla and couldn’t help looking at all of the yummy newborn things. Tiny socks and little sleepers….*le sigh*. I can’t wait to see how this all turns out for you. God’s got a wonderful plan for you!

  15. Oh YAY!!!! I read that first line and immediately wondered and then your next words confirmed it! Congratulations!!!!!:) I totally feel for you with the nausea. I had it really bad too and even threw up on the meds they gave me sometimes – but it was SOOOO worth it in the end!!!! 🙂 🙂 Congratulations, CONGRATULATIONS, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 And I echo the posts about God’s care for us. I have prayed for you and your moving situation and trying to figure things out. I know what it’s like to live a life of uncertainty and what it is like to have to move a lot (I was an MK in Bolivia so we moved a lot and money was not always a certain thing but God always provided for us. We always had a home and clothes and food and then some as well. We were and are blessed!). If you ever need a sounding board – even though I may be a stranger in Texas – I am totally willing to listen/read (if you send an email) and send you encouragement. 🙂

  16. Ah! I win!!! I told Craig after Christmas that I had a feeling you were pregnant…..

  17. Oh Jen I feel for you when it comes to being scared!! Praying you wont get as sick and if you do that you will be able to get the Zofran. If you need ANYTHING please let me know so I can be of help. Congratulations!!!!! You and your mom are my heros:) Really!!! Praying!!

  18. Congratulations……when is it gonna be my turn????

  19. Hi,
    I’m truly so happy for you:) I have three beautiful daughters, and having taken preventative measures to have anymore, I have to say it is my biggest regret. I love kids and wish I could have more. They are a blessing whether 1 or 9:) In our failing economy and uncertainty, two things are constant, God and family. You will make it through this just like everything else. I’ve often commented to my husband what an interesting life you lead and I believe it will continue that way. You have a beautiful spirit and I will keep you always in my prayers.


  20. i still can’t believe your having #9! so awesome…babies are the best!

  21. Jen! Congrats to you! I will keep you in my prayers ..That God will ease your nausea and that you can let go and let God as the saying goes… if you need anything please call me even if it is something like stuffin envelopes! Take care! stephanie

  22. Congratulations!!! How on EARTH do you balance it all? I only have 2 and struggle. Please write a book! LOL.

  23. Congratulations! You are a superwoman, this will be awesome. What a fantastic blessing. Thanks for all the info concerning new legislation, I have passed it along to many. Take care.

  24. I have a friend who is 90. He lived through the war, five major battles. I asked him is there anything he wondered about in his life. He said, “I wonder how it would have been to have a house full of kids”. His wife could never have any, and I believe we can go thru a great deal more than we know. And I know you will be fine, and that one day it will all be not as scary as it might feel.

  25. YIPPEEE!!!!!

  26. Awesome Jen!!! If it’s a girl, you’ll have a brand new Eden’s model! Hmm…I thought there were alot of blog posts about food and recipies lately! 🙂 Congrats!!! I wish I could be as organized as you are with my ONE child!!!

  27. Jen,
    Hello and congratulation. I know this must seem like the most crazy time however God is a great big God and his timing is always right. Note on ZOFRAN it is now available in generic very cheap. You may want to check it out if nausea continues. I have always been so sick with mine. I pray for you, your family, this new life, your husband’s job, your business including this legislation. I personally hope you will be able to continue the line even if it means a small increase on prices. You have a very unique line. May God grant you peace!

  28. Congratulations lovely!!!! I am so excited for you!!! What a fabulous blessing this #9 child will be. I hope to hear and see all along the way!


  29. Congrats!!! Praying for you!!!!!!! Love you and God bless you!

  30. Congratulations Jen! You are quite the woman!

  31. where the heck have i been???
    see what happens when i’m not checking in daily….
    I can’t wait to see what you name her:)

  32. Congratulations on such wonderful news. You are truly blessed to have such a beautiful and big family.

  33. I’m speachless, mostly because I enjoy reading your blog and seeing the fun of a large family. We won’t be expanding our tiny family of three, but I can live vicariously through you!

  34. What amazing news!!!! I am so happy for your family. I would really love to have just one more. I hope you are not sick for long.

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