The weekend

Saturday was a sad day. The day of Christopher’s memorial service. A day for weeping and wailing and wearing Carhartts.

Sunday was better.  We brought the kids to town for lunch and then Anna and Mutti came to visit.  We all gathered around fresh crab and melted butter in the kitchen. Later we had pumkin pie in front the fireplace and then we ended the evening singing hymns around the piano.

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all. -Emily Dickinson

7 thoughts on “The weekend

  1. Bittersweet. P.S. Desti’s hair looks so pretty in the second photo. Please tell her we said hi.

  2. What a beautiful quote! I’m still praying for y’all.

  3. Praying for you guys, and Christopher’s family! Hope you survived the power outage this AM and that it was short lived.

  4. Yay for Sunday’s!!!!!

  5. I really love that your family sings hymns together. I’d love to do that with my family too, only I live alone. I read them as poetic prayers though.

    I’m glad that you are doing well.

  6. Love the pictures. Love the quote. I have a necklace on my website that has a pendant that has the first part of that quote on the back. Continued prayer for your family and Christopher’s.

  7. Lovely quote. I hope your pain is eased soon. Wonderful to hear number 10 is growing healthy. Not sure what kind of licorice you are eating but I’ve heard pregnant women aren’t supposed to eat too much black licorice while pregnant. Try googling it. Be well.

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