The Open Road

Saturday morn I loaded up all 5 boys and baby girl and hit the open road.  A much needed spontaneous excursion. This summer hasn’t been so easy. It’s not only my story to tell so I haven’t shared it here.

We turned on the radio and drove through the gossamer morning fog, winding through broken dreams, disappointment, sickness and sorrow, feeling the weight of this fallen world.

As the miles passed the fog lifted and sunshine warmed my soul and renewed my spirit.

Our journey brought us to Arch Cape where the crashing waves were like a sermon. While the boys explored the river bed that flowed to the sea, I stood in the sand with my face uplifted toward the sun that was beaming down on the rugged rock cliffs. A tiny speck of a mortal standing in the presence of a mighty and immortal God. A Holy communion, a balm to my troubled heart. Strength for another day.

It’s true what old Charles Spurgeon said.

The Lord’s mercy often rides to the door of our heart upon the black horse of affliction.

Bless the Lord, O my soul!


22 thoughts on “The Open Road

  1. Oh my. Jen, you are an amazing, warm, bright soul. Thank you for this post.

  2. Many prayers for peace for your soul, whatever you are facing. All good things are revealed with time.

  3. xoxo… you’re the real deal, Jen. Thank you for that. ~Ruth

  4. Jennifer… I love you so much…. You and the family is in my prayers as each day passes….. God is good he will help ua thru these tough times we are all facing… Iam so glad you got to have a fun saturday w all the boys, it has probably been a while for you. i love you so much xoxox jewels

  5. Praying for you! I agree with what others have said, you are amazing, such a blessing to those around you. Praying for peace for you and your family and that the Lord would reveal to you the blessings of the storm you’ve faced. All things work together for good…praying for the good to come! {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Jen, dont know what you are facing but feel a kinship in facing “difficulties”. May God continue to bless you with
    sufficient grace to get through this journey of life.

  7. I love that photo, and your words….You write so beautifully and today your words sound like music to me. I love the ocean and its always been a place of solace to me. Thanks for posting today and I hope all your burdens are gone.

  8. That was beautiful…

  9. Beautiful words! No doubt they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Prayers for you, Sister, and may God comfort you and grant you peace. Blessings today!

  10. Jen, I think it’s been the worst summer of my life…which is not the point at all! The point is that we have an amazing God who gives us strength when there is no reason to be strong and joy when there is only cause for tears. Blessings on you all.

  11. Beautifully written! Peace to you Jen and your family!

  12. aww..this made my eyes get sweaty…beautifully said..prayers!

  13. I am so glad for you! Often we find God in unexpected places. I wish you blessings like sunbeams,morning fog, and ocean waves!

  14. God hears and sees everything . . . When God in the house, its all good. Blessings, xo

  15. So beautiful Jenn – the Lord meets us when we surrender to Him. Water in His creation is healing and brings calm because He is the Living Water.

  16. Beautiful tribute to God’s faithfulness . . . in the worst of times.

  17. Love this. Love that quote. Change is in the air*+*+ Embrace it. 🙂

  18. god never gives us more than we can endure…..god grant you the strength to endure and the bright sunshine that will follow….blessings to you and yours….

  19. “…it was then that I carried you.” This post broke my heart. Your pain is as clear as your hope. God bless you and your family, Jen. You are all in my prayers.

  20. That exact Spurgeon quote has been dear to my heart for years. Thank you for a lovely post, and I especially thrilled to the last lines: “A tiny speck of a mortal standing in the presence of a mighty and immortal God. A Holy communion, a balm to my troubled heart. Strength for another day.” Glorious communion! Amen!! Strength for the day to you and yours.

  21. Just beautiful!! Holding you and your family in my thoughts!

  22. […] bird happened into my life during a really hard summer and for a season he fluttered around my shoulders like hope, when I most needed […]

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