The Gum Wall

gw-kidsAfter hours of searching we finally found the famous(but never heard of by locals) gum wall. Named in the top 5 for germiest tourist attractions. A proud moment for Seattle, I’m sure. A scene for Jennifer Aniston’s film “Love Happens” was shot here in 2008 and in July twenty eleven the people of Windy Ridge stopped by. Another proud moment for Seattle, I’m sure.

Finally, we could get rid of our gum and add to this piece of “art”  known as the gum wall.

gm-collageMe & Brother Jake. I had everyone sing the hallelujah chorus when I added my bubble gum to the wall. I don’t mess around.

gw-annaI think Anna might have been kind of grossed out.

gw-momMy mom contributing her ABC gum to the wall.

gw-tamTamason adding her gum to the string section.

gw-girlsTamason, Misty & Rachael. Looks like Misty is helping Rachael stand.

gw-loganBrother Logan.

gw-rachRachael Nicole was here.

gw-gumLots of gum and slobber from all over God’s creation.

gw-post-alleyVisit the gum wall and put your gum next to mine. Mine is the pale pink very chewed piece.

I highly recommend you go the way we did: 1/2 mile in the opposite direction, wrong way, hither & yon, to & fro, right instead of left and around the block 3 times. This way you will be very happy by the time you actually get there. Just like we were.

Actual Directions: Post Alley under Pike’s place.

14 thoughts on “The Gum Wall

  1. I would love to know where it is, Audrey and I are headed up there for a girls weekend in a couple weeks and that would be fun!

  2. Just added “real” directions. I guess I thought there would be more signs for it and I thought the locals could tell us…not so!

  3. SICK!!!! Did it smell like gum?! lol

  4. Yuck..makes me feel a bit nauseaus, course that could be partly due to my “condition”! 🙂 love Anna’s reaction, she looks more grossed out than Mother Dear!!!

  5. Gross, yet compelling. I am surprised Anna participated. Did she put gloves on and then sanitize? Hahaha! You’re brave souls. Hallelujah.

  6. Too funny!

  7. You got some good pics! lol, Christy..:)

  8. Like my granddaughter would say “Oooh sick!”

  9. Funny, but… (now I just have to use finish word)YÄK! I know I’d be like Anna there! I can even smell the gum… uh! I’d rathr smell the roses!!! 😀

  10. Who knew?!! I’ve lived near Seattle for years and never knew about this place. 🙂 Love your directions. 🙂

  11. Ooo.. that’s disgusting. And already on my bucket list 😀

  12. Very cool…yet slightly disgusting all at the same time! Jen, it seems as thought there is never a dull moment for you and your crew!

  13. OOooh just looking at photos of that makes me feel squicky LOL. Good on you for doing it, brave! 😀 Looks like it was fun though.

  14. seriously I cannot decide if I am grossed out or if I love it.. ha.. love the photos.. glad you found it. (I think )

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