She makes me smile


My  baby girl now known as big sister.  A perfect remedy for my melancholy.  She woke up this morning and said with a sleepy smile, “I’m happy”.  Oh my she is clever.  Yesterday she was waiting at the top of the stairs when I came in from the office. 

In a forlorn little voice she says: “I’m sad”

Distressed, I say:  “Oh no! Why are you sad?”

Her face breaks in to a impish grin and she says: “No, I’m happy!”

She just learned the words happy and sad and likes to use them often.  Even if it involves tricking her poor, unsuspecting mother.


It is like Christmas in the fields.  The snow had been hiding all kinds of treasures. 



7 thoughts on “She makes me smile

  1. I love the little bebe doll hanging out in the background with the donkey. Priceless really!

  2. so you really do have a donkey!

  3. She is beautiful, and such character in her face! Your family seems to have very strong eyes!

  4. Oh my gosh Jen, Violet is getting so big! I guess I don’t see it since i am with Layla everyday but looking at these pictures of Violet makes me realize how old they are getting. Waaahhh!!! Now I’m sad!

    I am so sorry that you were feeling bad. I remember feeling like that several times during my last pregnancy. I was just so sick and miserable and that didn’t make for a very good mood. I must admit, the thought of you swearing at Levi makes me laugh though;) I hope you start to feel better.

  5. What a cutie pie!

  6. your poor little donkey wants to know where his cows are! 🙂

  7. How fun! She’s the prettiest little ray of sunshine!

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