Going To Eat Worms

I probably won’t even find any dang worms to eat.

Yes the 1st trimester melancholy has hit me like a ton of bricks.  I was cruising right along feeling all tough when, WHAM,  I found myself on the couch yesterday afternoon half-heartedly trying to keep my chin up.  Both of them actually.

It doesn’t help that this is the last day I have the luxury of Zofran.   I have been savoring each and every pill and I am down to the last one. I am 6 weeks and 3 days and I still have not puked.  That will go down in history.  Eight other pregnancies and I have never been so lucky.

So please leave a comment telling me that you have been through this and you are still living.  Remind me that I am not the only one. Do this lest I keel over and die.

22 thoughts on “Going To Eat Worms

  1. FJ–You are not alone! When I was pregnant, I was puking 24/7 (which was really annoying since I hung my hat on the beleif that it was morning sickness only–yeah, right!). My pregnancy “glow” was overshadowed by my green-tinted skin from all the sickness. I felt miserable physically and even worse mentally. Everyone else I knew kept talking about how they loved every second of being pregnant and although I was certainly happy to be having a child, frankly, I thought they had to either be lying through their teeth or completely insane–or both. But–as you know, I am still here and did not die from the melancholy, and you too FJ, will still be here to be an inspiration to all 9 of your children, your entire family, and all of your devoted blog readers. Perhaps for a positive spin, you could begin designing your next collection and it could be a nice shade of pale blue in honor of your melancholoy???

    Feel better! Remember…this too, shall pass! We’re all here for you!


  2. during my 4th pregnancy i was nauseous one morning and thought, o Lord this must be morning sickness! no, God, NO! it turned out to be a 24 hour flu. i thought i would have to be put down if it was going to last for weeks or months.

    dear girl, if it’s any consolation, my sweet friend Erika puked every day for nine months straight. it was so horrendous that she only had two kids, the second thinking the first experience wouldn’t repeat itself. she always has a grimace when she speaks of that time… t

    he days are long, but the years are short, yes?

  3. You know what. I’m sorry. I giggled. Craig came home to me in my pajamas still and just daring him to say a word…anddd…he did…annnddd…it didn’t work. I wasn’t very excited about anything.
    It’s ok.
    Best thing to do is wehn you wanna bite a head off, call CUP and get your insurance nice and forcefully that day. =) Hormonal women are not to be messed with I believe…

  4. I just had to respond, although I do not comment frequently, I check your blog daily. I want you to know, that my two pregnancies were the hardest things I ever have gone through. My kids are now 4 and 7 and I still think back at how difficult it was. I vomited, seriously, ever single day I was pregnant and when I was not vomiting I was extremely nauseous. I took zofran and on the second one I did a zofran pump. We did not cook in my house for 9 months. My poor husband made the mistake of bringing home mexican food and the smell sent me over the edge. I cursed him!! I felt so melancholy, dreprssed, etc. I could not even watch a commercial on TV about food it would send me to the bathroom. This is the time to ask for help from your family and friends and I love the phrase “this too shall pass.” The day the baby was born I had all the energy in the world! Thanks for letting me vent! I will pray for you to have the strength to make it through the day. And surprisingly you will and you will look back and wonder how did I do it. Women will do anything for our children.

  5. What I would give to take over your morning sickness…as someone about to undergo a third round of IVF to have a baby…I would gladly trade with you.
    See, sometimes we forget that while we feel terrible, there is a blessed little person at the end of the rainbow.
    Feel better and enjoy your eight and a half wonderful blessings, as I can tell you do! Never seen such beautiful chidren. A lucky woman you are.
    Thank you for sharing!

  6. Aww jen!! This too shall pass!!It really will.. but boy is it hard to hear and believe when one is sooo sick. I cried EVERYDAY with Liberty’s pregnancy!!I had ZOFRAN put into my IV’s at home and that was the only way it worked!!(stopped vomiting but not being neasous) As you know I am done having babies,hardest thing I have EVER had to decide on:( It still is hard…I admire you for plugging on!!:)PRAYING for you at every thought of you!!!!

  7. I told you before all you need to do is eat some saltines and gingerale. It will make you feel so much better. I had morning sickness too. I threw up once and thought it was awful. You can also try preggy pops and hershey kisses. You know what? I think if you just got off the couch and did more things that would make you feel better. I was too busy to think about a little nausea.


    Before everybody gets mad at me, I am just kidding. All of us who have taken Zofran and have lived the wonderful life of hyperemeisis have heard these so called fixes before. Yes, I was in the hospital getting fluid and the nurse told me since I was 35 I probably spent too much time thinking about being sick because I was not young and energetic. The doctor also told me to try 7-Up. Whatever!

    It is truly a miserable experience that nobody can even attempt to understand unless you have gone through it. But, we all know that you slowy but surely forget the sickness as the time goes by. You really need the support of people who have been there or are currently going through it. GOOD LUCK!!!

  8. i have never gotten as sick as you, but my last pregnacy was my worse and i vomited once every day for 6 weeks and felt horrible the rst of the day. either which way, i’m praying for you that God will give you the strength for each second! i knew others had it worse then me when i was sick, but it didn’t matter.. i was sick and it sucked. period. no matter how sick (or not) we are, it is not fun at all! you have my sympathy! you will survive! God bless!

  9. Dear girl, you are not the only one. 🙂
    Sadly, I’m not even pregnant and have those days right now! 😉

  10. I don’t comment often either, but check your blog regularly. I’m so sorry you’re feeling so lousy! You still seem to have a sense of humor though-good for you! I can’t relate to the nausea you are having (I had very easy pregnancies-no I’m really not trying to rub that in 🙂 But my mother often tells me of her awful time when pregnant with myself and my 6 siblings. She said she contemplated driving into a small pond near our home every time she left the house so she could end her agony. She never did, and still lived, now she laughs about it. I pray that you will be able to laugh through your difficult time too!

  11. Ohhh, you poor soul! I remember this moment…the moment that you wonder if you will make it? if it will ever end? the immense feeling of defeat and helplessness…I had this moment when I was pregnant with my Molli–I was changing Sydni’s diaper (who was 13 months at the time) and could not stop the puking (and it wasn’t even an icky diaper), so here I was wiping, puking, changing, puking, closing, puking and finally fell to the floor sobbing. You will prevail. We all do. There is a light at the end of this suffocating tunnel!

  12. I may be the only one here who doesn’t know this, because I do read this everyday, but you’ve had 8 kids? WOW, you go girl, because you look GREAT!

  13. sweet girl,
    lets get you some more of that Zofran…………..anybody….can you help her?

  14. It was many years ago, but I remember it as though it was yesterday. That dreaded feeling in the pit of your gut – the one that makes you pray that God has mercy on you and just allows you to go ahead and die. I puked from 6 weeks pregnant til the day I delivered all three babies – morning, noon, afternoon, night, middle of the night. I have puked in toilets, sinks, trash cans, in the car while driving – and (this one hurts me to dredge up from the hidden recesses of my memory) in my purse in the grocery store. Oh God – pregnant sickness must surely be a curse we endure from Eve and that forbidden apple! Being here to retell it is testimony that I survived – and so shall you. Just think of the end result. Did I make you feel better 🙂 ??

  15. Oh yes Jen, I promise, I have been there! Just think of the story you posted in the blog after this one, that will perk you up 🙂

  16. I remember that feeling all too well.

  17. although i don’t get sick like you (i can’t imagine..ugh!) i remember all too well the BLAH feeling…and getting nauseas from my striped purse:), my clothes, my shoes…hehe And yes~ THIS TOO, SHALL PASS!! xoxo

  18. Both times I was pregnant I threw up all the time. For months until I became further along. One lady baked a chicken brocolli pie and brought it over and it made me so sick to just look at it. I could not eat my favorite food Chinese at all. It made me sick. I always had my head in the toliet throwing up. Anything would make me sick. My husband had the nerve to leave his mustache clippings on the sink. When I saw them I puked. I told him about it and he said I thought that might happen. Grrrrrrr! I was afraid the baby wouldn’t grown since I was losing weight and not gaining from throwing up. But God knows what he was doing and she grew fine. I just had to get through the hard stage. My Mom had five kids and got very sick everytime. My Dad had told me they would be walking down the street and she would just stop and started puking. He kept walking acting like he didn’t know her. 🙂 And I just want to say to all those Wonder Woman who don’t get sick, It’s not fair. 🙂

  19. i thought i would die each and every day of the first 5 1/2 months… and here i am – alive to tell the tale. you are not the only one – but you sure are one of the most beautiful, talented, sassy ones 🙂 hang in there. pray for more zofran. i’ll be sending my survival thoughts your way. smile knowing that every day you make others smile thru your wonderful blog 🙂

  20. What an encouragement you are to me; that you get so sick yet you still work hard to get that end reward! I love being a mommy but I absolutely HATE being pregnant. Like you, I have gotton extremely sick with both of my pregnancies..and I know it is tough. None of my girlfriends get sick so it is hard when it feels like no one knows what you are going through! I was so awfully sick that I was throwing up non-stop; I eventually had to go on IVs to get all nutrients; it was that bad. I was on zofran for my entire pregnancy. I was so weak and tired. But once that baby came..Food was sooo delicious. I just had to stay really close to God and he has helped me through..Children are a gift of God and for some reason I have to work extremely hard for my kids. Keep fighting! This to shall pass and you will be blessed with the miracle of life!!

  21. Don’t feel too bad about the choice words said to Levi. My hubby too had many of them flying at him when he dared to do so much as look at me the wrong way. It too will pass with all the other wonderful joys of being pregnant!

  22. OH I went through this and watched Melodie go through it horrible . Just keep your eyes on the prize ~!!!

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