On the road

Good Morning from WYOMING.  Sunday night we started our 2700 mile road trip to South Carolina.  Just me, Levi &  our unborn daughter.  Off to uncle Jon’s wedding and to visit the southern kinfolk, Levi’s family.  We travel bearing gifts of Tillamook cheddar, halibut, uprooted authentic Windy Ridge evergreens and a Vitamin C that you(apparently)can only get in the Pacific Northwest.  Though I find great comfort knowing that my children are home surrounded by aunts, uncles, grandma, grandpa, cousins, a saint bernard and a donkey I still miss them like crazy.  We haven’t even reached our destination and I can’t wait to get back to see them.


The first night we drove 200 miles and stayed in The Dalles, Oregon.


An early start Monday morning brought us through this stunning gorge, the inspiration for the Port Of Morrow Collection.


We followed interstate 84 up over the Blue Mountain range (where we ran out of gas on our last road trip), through beautiful La Grande,  into miles of desolate Idaho and through Utah. 


As I ride, I twitter.  I suspect I am so annoying that half of my followers will unfollow me.  If you are really bored, follow along!

Off to Nebraska!

13 thoughts on “On the road

  1. Have a wonderful and safe trip thank you for shareing the pic’s so beautiful.

  2. Four years ago this summer we drove from Seattle to Minneapolis and although we had all the boys, it was a fabulously fun trip. Isn’t this country we live in gorgeous???
    Have a safe trip and enjoy this time with your lovely husband~

  3. I have no clue how to twitter! ahahaha
    Are you coming through Ohio?
    BTW-NOT an ectopic! I have mastitis and a hemorrhagic cyst, and the ol’ gallbladder issues, ahaha.
    Have a good road trip, I LOVE road trips! We take one in June!

  4. That is one seriously LOOONG drive.
    Hope you guys have some great time together. That would be a wonderful get-away!

  5. That’s a great photo on the mirror. Have a wonderful trip.

  6. Wish I could hop in w/ you. I love road trips! Someday I want to drive to WA and take our time sightseeing…might be quite a few years, but hey I can dream..Enjoy your trip and what day should we expect you here? LOL

  7. You are a brave woman to travel that far pregnant!

    I am actually in South Carolina. Lexington to be exact. It’s gorgeous here. We moved here two years ago from Southern California. Huge culture shock!
    Get ready for unexpected thunderstorm ( my favorite ), lot’s and lot’s and lot’s of tall pine trees. As far as the eye can see and humidity ( which I am still not used to!).
    If I can be of assistance, let me know!
    Have a safe trip!


  8. How fun! Hope you get there safe and have a wonderful time!

  9. i just wanted to say “hi”. i’ve been lurking around you blog for several months now and when I read that you were coming my way I just had to say hello. You are a very brave woman riding cross country pregnant, i would have had to stop every 15 mins. when i was pregnant! i don’t twitter yet or i would follow. hope you have a safe journey.

  10. I just started following you in Twitter. I know all about long road trips. It must be quite the adventure for the three of you. I look forward to seeing the pigs. The Dallas — heck the whole Colombia River is amazing. We will be heading up that way at the end of summer. I can’t wait. We are currently in Ta hoe right now and I have taken over 400 pigs just today.

  11. Pigs is pics. New Blackberry. It’s like typing with a couple of sausages. No pig pun intended.

  12. I just got done stealin some of landon’s bread…dang its sooo peckin good!
    im lovin stayin here, I getta try a buncha new food.. today for supper I had some of his salsa pizza somethin another…
    (he says “all from scratch btw”)
    oh and landon wants to know if you have a usb cord??

  13. Safe Travels to you and Levi, we made the same trip 4 times and the last time I drove a pickup truck w/128lb German Shephard (who took up the entire backseat, just ask my kids) a cat, and pulling a cargo trailer full of tools! Hubby was driving the Penske moving truck in front of us the entire way. Hey, we are not much farther south of South Carolina, we are in NE Fl. so if you want to drive down for a visit let us know, I know Dave would love to see Levi. This is a beautiful country we live in, from sea to shining sea!
    May God watch over you on your travels,

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