Lunchbox Magazine


The eden’s bouquet organic Gwendolyn Ruffle Dress is featured in the June issue of Lunchbox Magazine!

Beautiful Photography by Allie Cottrill

8 thoughts on “Lunchbox Magazine

  1. How cute is that! Pretty models and lovely clothes. 🙂

  2. That’s so cute!

  3. how cute!


  5. oh congrats to you Jen! It must feel so great to be reconized for your ideas! well done!!!!!I love this collection!

  6. As soon as I saw the ruffled dress, I had to order it for my granddaughter “Nellie May” that should arrive next month. I have just received it(can’t believe how fast it got here!!) and I absolutely love it. She is going to be named after my Mom who passed away 7 years ago, and that I miss every day. It will be a very special dress for a very special baby. Thanks!

  7. That is cool!

  8. Love the lighting!

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