Jon & Sue photos

Dear Jon & Sue,

I am finally getting to your photos again and hope to have them ready in time to send home with your girls.  Thank you for being patient with me.  Here are a few of my favorite candid shots.



I try to capture the true moments & emotions of life and it wasn’t hard at this wedding.  A bittersweet day as we rejoiced in a blessed new beginning while once again reminded that Nancy is not with us.  Though Jon’s kids(my cousins) are so happy for their dad I know that it was hard on them.



Love these shots of Jon’s sisters & brothers. Possibly my favorites.




The look of joy on Uncle Jon’s face as he watches Sue walk up the aisle is priceless. 

Okay, back to work!  I haven’t even started on the reception photos yet!

11 thoughts on “Jon & Sue photos

  1. Love the processing on the photos. Forgot to say, I LOVE that you are 9 mo preggo and still rockin’ the high heels! When I was 9 mo with Mia, I wore skinny jeans tucked into pointy toe boots. Momma’s gotta be fashionable, no matter what, right?! 😉

  2. Oh I just love weddings, could be because that is what I do, only the flower part… and yes, back to work I must go too… two weddings to do…

  3. Very pretty pictures…. as always you did a good job, Jen!!!

  4. Jen…. we LOVE the pics! Very touching to see how you captured the emotions and made the pics come alive! And the way you edit and produce them makes them very special! We appreciate you working on them… even at 39 weeks pregnant of all things! Hey, and by the way… we are both sitting here with tears in our eyes as we enjoy your handiwork! And we were hoping you had some good shots of Jon’s family and it appears that you did just that. Thanks so much! Look forward to seeing them all.

  5. Wonderful shots Jen!! It was a bittersweet day….so happy for dad but yet missing mom!! Looking forward to seeing more:)

  6. Wonderful job Jen! Bitter sweet indeed! Priceless pictures for sure!

  7. you do a wonderful job. 🙂 so talented in many ways

  8. jen, you are becoming quite the photographer. these photos are beautiful and full of emotion… priceless…

  9. Just incredible shots!! You have a similar goal while shooting as I do, capturing emotion, LOVE it!
    What editing program do you use?

  10. Oh what great pictures! I am so happy for him. I clicked back on the picture of the bird on his shoulder. Just amazing!
    I love the picture of the sisters!!!!!!!! 🙂

  11. I love the effect you’ve used on these photos! They are beautiful. I need to learn how to do that 🙂 Hope you are feeling good and hanging in there!!!

    🙂 T

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