hoo crost the line

By Jace Walker, 6 years old

One dark spoocy night it was Wa Wa past bed time. And A boy wOke up. and opened the door. and it was fogy. and he saw A line. So he crost the line. and he tript.

and He herd A noys.

and he went in side.

and nothing was there.

and no one was there.

and his Light was out.

and he went in side.

and he saw somthing green.

and it was Quick.

and So he cood not See it.

and it was skerd of him.

Typed here exactly as it was written. Pretty spooky, huh?  I love these stories.  While we rushed to town for more Zofran, the kids wrote stories.  All eight of them decided they were going to be authors.  Even Violet.  She holds the pencil in her dimpled fingers and says in her squeaky voice, “Do you mom? Do you?” and when I say “sure” she says “Okay” and starts scribbling.


Jace wearing his new Knucklehead’s clothing.  I love Melissa’s designs. Violet is wearing her girl’s line,  Hula Mula,  here.

I optimistically thought that I could quit the anti-nausea medication and be fine.  2 days later I was vomiting and useless.  A phone call to the pharmacist and a 20 minute drive solved that ugly problem and I am ready to conquer the world.  Or maybe just vacuum my floor.  That would be the equivalent to conquering the world.

3 big bins of miscellaneous styles have been put into the Odds & Ends category on edensbouquet.com.  Limited sizes and styles, but great prices!

10 thoughts on “hoo crost the line

  1. Love the story Jace! My 6 yr old daughter Reagan writes poetry and paints pictures with colors that she mixes herself. Kid’s art just thrills me. I love seeing how they think. BTW, Jace is one handsome dude with his hat!

  2. Look at that face! And a poet too!
    Jace looks fantastic in that outfit. Love that hat.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. LOL, that is cute…hmmm..I better not go outside at night investigating noises!! Loved the pic of St. Helens…that is one thing I miss about there, the mountains!! (and the people too… ;p)

  4. I have some seriously messed up writings from when I was in the 4th grade. Creative, but WOW!
    Thanks for sharing these deals Jen! I passed it on! Look forward to the next bin 🙂

  5. Thank you lots for your encouraging words! i know it is funny how our bodies do crazy things while pregnant. I WOULD LOVE TO BE PREGNANT right now but it has not been working out for us. i certainly love how much you love, love , love your big family! people think it is crazy but i seriously LOVE IT! i also admire the fact that you give them each amazing attention atleast i see that on this blog. really again, thank you for your encouraging words!

    keeping my faith up!

  6. Jace you are so handsome in your hat love you creativity.
    Jen thank you for the Odds & Ends.

  7. jace, your story is awesome!!! ariel writes some pretty cool stories too!

  8. I LOVE the fedora!!!

  9. A budding author. That’s adorable.

  10. he just melts my mother of just boys heart 😀 … so cheeky and those dimples 🙂

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