Hazel's 10th week

At 10 weeks Hazel has more than doubled her birth weight and I do believe most of the weight has settled in her cheeks.  She has been such a joy to us.  A big fat demanding joy.  She is as happy as a lark as long as mama is toting her around.  As soon as I try to set her down, her eyes pop open and she starts to howl.  This makes it hard to accomplish much else, but I am cherishing these moments.


There is nothing like a big open-mouth baby smile.  All 10 of us enjoy coaxing them out of Hazel and it isn’t too hard at this age.  She has even  started to do that wonderful belly laugh.  You know the kind that is almost involuntary?  Oh how we adore those.


Hazel is wearing Violet’s hand me downs, Matilda Jane Socks & eden’s bouquet Vintage Lace Baby Headband.


This is Violet in the same outfit with Aunt Violet 2 years ago.

18 thoughts on “Hazel's 10th week

  1. so cute! so so cute! “a big fat demanding joy!” Emma was too 🙂

  2. Soo precious. She looks just like her sister. It is so easy and fun to dress girls!!!!!!!!

  3. I love babies with big squishy cheeks!!

  4. she is just so sweet!!

  5. Oh, she is just a little piece of heaven on earth!

  6. Oh she is such a sweet darling!! I miss having babies to hold…waiting patiently for Grandbabies…waiting…waiting..

  7. Jen she is fabulous! The outfit is perfection..And you my dear are amazing!! Thanks for sharing Hazel and Violet{s} with all of us!

  8. She is sooo sweet looking!! Love the headband to;)

  9. awwwww. Now I must go and beg my hubby for another baby…..

  10. Hazel is adorable. There is nothing cuter than chubby cheeks on a baby 🙂

  11. What a cute little fatty:) I want to kiss those cheeks!

  12. Oh my goodness that makes me smile big.
    I agree with the above lovin those cheeks!
    Your children…Gorgeous!

    Happy day to you!

  13. What a dolly and she’s getting so big!!!

  14. Thank you so much for sharing your family with us. From the eldest to the baby, they are all lovely, as is their mother.

  15. I can’t believe she is 10 weeks already!! So adorable!
    I can’t believe I am already 18 weeks, ahahaha.
    LOVE those MJ socks, I skipped gypsy blue but man I want those. They actually reminded me of EB with the lace 🙂

  16. awww shes quite the lil dolly

  17. Oh my gosh how CUTE is she! Those chubba cheeks are adorable.

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