Family gathering

It ain’t a West get-together unless there is picking and singing.

A couple of weeks ago we had a shindig with my dad’s side of the family. Wests from far and wide gathered here and filled every nook and cranny of Windy Ridge. That’s a lot. These photos are for you: Uncle Marvin, Aunt Marian, Tim, Amanda and everyone else that missed out. Wish you could have been here.
1.Ashley Cashae and baby   2.everyone gathered around Uncle O’Neil and his guitar

Mamas and babies and sunshine everywhere.

This darling fellow was completely entranced by the piano.

Aunt Jane & Uncle Lowell got a hold of a baby.

Meg, Matilda and Brother Ben hanging out on the hearth.

1. Brand new baby 2. Mt. St. Helens

True story.

Somethings funny.

Every square inch occupied.

I am missing photos of Sandra, Susie, Jon & Darlene…I was slacking as a photographer, but it was a perfect night…thank you all for coming. Come again!

7 thoughts on “Family gathering

  1. We are blessed to be a part of such an awesome family! Thanks so much for opening your home to us all! What a great evening it was!!

  2. Awww.. thanks Jen for the pics.. We will be there before to long!!

  3. Aww! What a cute couple! 🙂

  4. looks like lots of fun 🙂

  5. There is joy in every one of those photos. What a beautiful time, one of many you guys put on up there on WR. I can’t get over how much Matilda has grown since we last saw her. What’s she been eatin’? Any of the Wests or other musicians going to be up there next month (whenever it is we’re comin’ through?) Maybe Andris could make some music for y’all. Sing some hymns and bring the house down.

  6. i wanna be part of this family… what fun you all have!!

  7. Love you blog! I come a family of 9 siblings…so I can so relate to the organized chaos that goes on in a large family! My mom and I both read your blog and have a new favorite quote we use all the time, “it’s so Windy Ridge-ish”…and we mean it in the most loving way possible!

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