
Violet Noelle drawing rainbows in the sunshine

What a beautiful start to December. Frosty mornings and beautiful sunshine. Not to mention that I am feeling almost normal. I am down to a half Zofran in the afternoon. I always feel so victorious when I get past the sickness. Yes, I survived!

The baby is moving daily now and last night I do believe the unborn got the hiccups.  Hazel was asleep, using my belly as a pillow and in the middle of the night she woke up crying, instantly I felt the bump, bump, bump of hiccups for several minutes. The cutest thing. I have my first ultrasound next Monday and I am counting the days. Very excited, but a bit anxious.

Today Levi and the boys are working on the barn as I furiously try to get caught up on months of cleaning. I feeling like scrubbing every inch of the house, sewing slipcovers, organizing, washing bedding and designing new things. Energy is a wonderful thing.

As I do all this I continually remember the reason for this joyous and magical Advent season.

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death. Psalm 68: 19-20

6 thoughts on “December

  1. So happy you are feeling better.

  2. Oh Jen, isn’t energy a gift? I’ve been feeling like that lately…well not so much today cause I didn’t sleep well, but it’s so awesome when one wants to create and clean and design! So happy for you!

  3. I am SOO happy for you!! I can recall clearly what it felt like to finally get some energy:)Darling picture:)

  4. I saw you at church on Sunday and so much wanted to come up and tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog, but I’m not very mobile these days. You have a real talent for writing and photography. God bless you as you wait for you new little one and have a very Merry Christmas.

  5. Yippee!! Now the fun part starts, watching the baby bump zoom out, buying little tiny pjs, nesting etc. So glad you “made” it past the yukky time.

  6. So glad to hear you are feeling better and have energy to do all that a busy mom needs to do! I’m also loving the sunshine and cold, crisp mornings. Merry Christmas! 🙂

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