Christmas trees

Nothing fancy. Just a homegrown tree, some white lights and dollar tree ornaments in shades of gold hung by the littles (and a tad rearranged by mama when they weren’t looking).

Ten cent plastic ornament. Safer and more durable for kids.

Christmas seedling on the windowsill.  The kids each have their own tree in their room this year, too.  Little trees that they picked and decorated themselves.

10 thoughts on “Christmas trees

  1. This makes me smile.

  2. Your home is so beautiful. Has it ever been featured in a magazine? It needs to be!

  3. Very sweet, Jen! While my friend Alice and I were out hunting in the woods for my tree with her little girls the other day, they were on the look-out for a wee tree of their own.

    Merry Christmastime!

    : )

    Julie M.

  4. SO sweet! I LOVE your tree. I told Rachael on Thanksgiving that when we finally build a house, I want YOU to come tell me what to do with it. 🙂

  5. Glorious. I love your tree. Did you have to move the bird?

  6. So cute.. I always tend to rearrange the decorations too! 😉

  7. Lovely tree…love your dollar store decorations! Most of my Christmas decorations have come from the dollar store also…they may be cheap, but they are all very dear to my heart!

  8. Lovely tree! Love the dollar store decorations…most of my decorations have also come from the dollar store. They may be cheap…but they are very dear to my heart!

  9. Simple and beautiful . . . sweet.

  10. Love that they are $1 store ornaments-too cool. Love all the woodsy, scenic pictures in all you do. Reminds me of my own Minnesota childhood-your blog brings me back….love it.

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