My Pretties

My Pretties

2 of my 5 pretty girls Sabra Eden & Jessie Pearl Standing at my office window waiting for me to finish a fax for Levi.  Watching the boys zip around outside on their scooters. Like every other minute I say “oh, how cute, don’t move” and I snap a photo with my phone. A little […]

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Jessie Pearl 13 weeks

Jessie Pearl is 13 weeks and 12 pounds. A big fat bundle of joy. During all of the wedding chaos she was content to ride along snuggled up to any loved one that would hold her. Such an easy going baby.  Today she came along to A Vintage Gathering, slobbering on my shoulder as I […]

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Wedding Bouquets

Many of the flowers for the wedding bouquets were gathered from mom’s gardens and Windy Ridge. Levi’s awesome cousin, Eva, tootled up in her darling little car and filled the back up with flowers from mom’s gardens. Then we hopped in the truck and drove through windy ridge to pluck a few wildflowers, climbing through […]

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We had to do it. They weren’t real interested, but we talked them into it. Every time  I look at the photo of the guys, I die laughing. The girls were much more reserved. Reminds me of a Norman Rockwell. Boys win this round.

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Soda Break

It was warm and we were running hither and yon doing bride & groom photos. In the middle of it all, Rachael & Anthony sit down at the bistro table for a soda break while I keep snapping. All around us is the chatter of children, the commotion of preparation and the delicious smell of […]

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The Barefoot Boy

Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy, with cheek of tan! With thy turned-up pantaloons, And thy merry whistled tunes; With thy red lip, redder still Kissed by strawberries on the hill; With the sunshine on thy face, Through thy torn brim’s jaunty grace From my heart I give thee joy,— I was once a […]

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Smiling Baby bubbles Earnest conversation with daddy Best cousins Afternoon nap Missy Mabel (or “MobbleAnn” as Hazel calls her) Angel the kitten Yet another “sleeping baby” photo Playing the notes from my birthday mug Hazel in her Sabra Gown holding her “baby” Violet’s self portrait And yet another “sleeping baby” photo (taken from our phones. […]

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JoAnne & Joeleen

My darling cousins, JoAnne & Joeleen, drove miles to spend the wedding weekend with me and I really don’t think I would have pulled it off without them.  What I thought we be a little help here and there ended up being a full time job. They toiled from morning to night.  Joeleen coordinated the […]

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Moira Gown

Magical photos by Jen Carver Photography Models are wearing eden’s bouquet Moira Gown, Velvet Jacket, Linen Trouser & a custom Jace Cowboy Shirt in ivory without embroidery.

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Here Comes the Bride

Complete Chaos. I am running through the grass in my high heels trying to remember all the last minute details before the ceremony starts. Guests are being seated, children are running wild, the wedding party is scrambling to find their place. I panic because I realize I need to get up the stairs to capture […]

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