Apple Pie

It is a good year for our little orchard and the apple tree branches are heavy with fruit. Last week we picked a basket full and baked an apple pie, the little girls and I. All the while singing “can she bake a cherry pie, Billy Boy”.

Hazel is wearing eden’s bouquet Gwendolyn Ruffle Dress

Violet is wearing eden’s bouquet Sabra Gown

5 thoughts on “Apple Pie

  1. I love that Hazel girl. What a charmer!

  2. So lovely. Draws the heart back to simpler times.

  3. I love that your sweeties wear their beautiful dresses while apple picking. So perfect 🙂

  4. Beautiful! It has been an amazing year for apples on our place too…need to bake a pie. 🙂 Your girls are so beautiful…as always.

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