Alive & well

I am still here.   I had no idea that a 1000 square foot space could hold so much junk.  Although we are only moving across the sidewalk, it is more work than I anticipated.  Today we will move the office and computer system over to the new office so we may not have Internet service for a day or so while we make this transition.  No worries, I will be getting my messages one way or another. Thank you for your patience.


Another gorgeous photo of the Organic Bloomer & Ruffle Sleeve Peasant Tee from Gina Oh

6 thoughts on “Alive & well

  1. Glad to hear you are doing well.And yea, 1000sq foot can really collect stuff eh? I am a wicked pack rat.
    Seeing those Organic Bloomers is making me so antsy for my order!! What is it, a 4 week wait? I’m at 2 1/2, ugh, ahahaahahahah. Good luck with the move!

  2. I moved my shop a couple years ago, 8 months pregnant…it was 1100 sq feet moving three doors around the corner and absolutely a nightmare….that’s what happens when you run a business and you are a creative designer!!!! xo Shannon

  3. So glad to hear that you are doing well. Isn’t it amazing how much stuff we accumulate? Happy moving! I wish it was me:)

  4. I want a girl … any idea how to get one?

    unless I dress up one of the boys … lol ..

    happy moving!!!!

  5. hang in there!

  6. Thank you!

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