Queen Violet


(these are for you, Nancy N.)

Despite my musings of a year ago, Violet is still Queen of Windy Ridge.   She had a hard time accepting baby Hazel and no interest in giving up her throne.  That doesn’t seem to bother Hazel a bit.

For the first couple of months she ignored the baby all together.  She even tried to give her to my mom.  Thankfully, she is warming up to her sister now.  I think she finally realized Hazel is here to stay.

Next month she will be three.  A completely charming and maddening age.  She is always adding new words to her vocabulary.  She came downstairs the other morning and cheerfully announced that she loved “everypeople”.   Such a good and useful word.


When she is tired, she is a fright. A whirlwind of mischief, complete with twinkly brown eyes and a naughty grin,  she keeps us on our toes. 

She is looking forward to her birthday.  She constantly pulls out the gown from her 1st birthday party and reminisces.  I told her I will have a bigger one made for her 3rd birthday to which she dramatically exclaims:

“Oh, thank you mama!”


Violet is wearing the eden’s bouquet Friday Harbor Collection

Vintage Bunny coming soon to the Flea Market Collection

14 thoughts on “Queen Violet

  1. Pretty little Violet, you are quite the girl!:)

  2. How cute!! 3 year olds are something else aren’t they?!?!? 😉

  3. Violet is very sweet. I love how she tried to give her baby sister away! Are 3 year olds harder than 2 year olds? My son is turning 3 in August and i was kind of hoping he would turn into a good little boy. Maybe the magic age is 4 🙂

  4. Haha she’s too cute… She sounds like quite the personality:) Getting pretty nervous about how Kasen will be to his baby sister Im sure he will try give her away to… he’s not too fond of babies (or anyone who gets more attention than him).

  5. She is just beautiful Jen. Thanks for sharing the pictures and giving us an update.

  6. Beautiful post worthy to save for her someday.

  7. What yummy love your Violet is in all her sweetness and mischievousness too, smile.
    Jen, love that you are just real, always.
    Happy 3 Miss Violet.

    Funny to me how we find people in this blog world and I say things like happy three to Violet as if she calls me daily for a giggle as if a friendship.
    To be a friend of yours though I am certain is just real.
    What I will say is to see your blog my heart always smiles to the wonder and beauty of your Windy Ridge, the details of your very cool home, the wonder at how you do it all having a big family and a business. How you still even with possible baby food on your shirt from doing it all, still are just so young, cool, beautiful and so very funny and real beyond how life’s winds come and go. It has been an honor to view the beauty and real of your world. So just thank you.

    Hoping your day is wonderful in every way and that you smile not because you have to but just because you do.

  8. Ah, so no more Princess Vi..it’s now queen? =)
    I love u little girl!
    She was the best antidote to my pre-wedding jitters!

    Oh. And that bunny is awesome!!!! Fonzie likes it I think =)

  9. My 4 year old have a hard time adjusting to her baby sister. 19 months later she finally will play and share her toys with Bella.

  10. Sweet girl, so glad that she was not willing to give up her throne at Windy Ridge, I don’t blame her. What kind of big birthday bash will she be having? She is such a sweet girl. Hoping all is well with you guys. I am going to need to order some new ruffle jeans soon. My baby girl is growing.

  11. So sweet. Love all the pictures!

  12. What an absolute darling! I can not believe that our girls will be 3 soon. Where does the time go?! I can’t wait to see your new collection Jen. That bunny looks divine!!

  13. what!! How did I miss the fact that Violet & Bria share the same middle name?? We even spelled it the same…hmmm:) Miss you guys

  14. I swear, that little Violet is like a girl version of my Samuel!!

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