The naming

Thank you to everyone that cheered with me at the news of baby girl.  After 7 brothers and 5 sons I am programmed to expect boys.  As much as I adore boys, I did secretly hope for a girl. 

Many of you have asked…

Yes of course I share everything, including the naming of our unborn daughter.  There will be a contest with amazing prizes (if you like eb). Details later!

PS-I have already used some of your names from the Twilight Party Dress contest for the upcoming Friday Harbor Collection.  You will find out which ones when the collection is debuted on JUNE 15th.

17 thoughts on “The naming

  1. Awesome! Can’t wait to hear the name:)


  3. Congrats on the girly! So so fun, how cute she’ll be in all that EB!

  4. Look forward to the new collection! Congrats again!

  5. Congratulations!!! I never made it on here yesterday, was running around like a chicken w/ it’s head cut off!! Anyhooo, I tried to call you the last couple of days, but no answer…

  6. congrats on the baby girl! Girls are so exciting to have, I want another 🙂

  7. So let me get this straight, if I am doing the math right…You have (or will have shortly) 9! KIDS?
    You look AWESOME! I would ask have you keep up with yourself, but I imagine 8 kids and everything else you do, may help with that!

    I like the name: Havannah

    Congrats on another girl…I only have one, but I love her more then life it’s self!

  8. guess who i bbsat today???

  9. So what are ALL of their names so far?
    Naming is half the fun of creating!
    I have a Wyatt, Riley and Adelaide. This is why Im eyeing your Adelaide pants!

  10. Great! I am so excited. I was hoping for a girl. 🙂 That is so neat you are having another contest. I already have a name picked out. 🙂 FUN! Violet will have a baby sister. So sweet.

  11. Girls are wonderfully emotional, drama driven, attitude given creatures! I am blessed with two and am thankful for them everyday! Congrats to you and your family…..I bet your other girls are thrilled!

  12. Aww, another sister! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear what her name will be!

    Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog! You are an inspiration, for sure!! So, I nominated you for an award:

    Thanks for letting us into your gorgeous home and life!

    ~Karla @ It’s The Little Things…

  13. Wow! That is really exciting! I cant wait to see what you name everything and what it all looks like!

  14. yea!!!! congratulations!!!

  15. I adore the name Emerson Grayce, and have made all 3 of my children promise me that one of them will use it on my first grand daughter someday…….way down the road as I am only 38! I found this name to use after my children were born I have 2 girls Morganne and Braydanne and a son Trevor. I love their names but would have gladly welcomed an Emerson!

  16. i like ansley… i have a wyatt too and my nephew’s name is spencer, is that weird?

  17. Alyssa

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