Name this gown


Twilight Party Dress from the Cobblestone Collection

I named this gown on the color alone before I had any knowledge of the Twilight Series.  Now every time I look at it I think of vampires.  This gown needs a new name.  That is where you come in.  Leave your name ideas in the comment section for a chance to win $150 worth of eden’s bouquet in you choice of size.  Contest ends Monday,  April 6th at 8pm PST.

one name per person/entry please

PS-it is snowing and the ground is white.  I am waiting for a great voice to boom down from heaven saying “April Fool’s Day!”

228 thoughts on “Name this gown

  1. What about “The Dusk Party Dress” or “The Eventide Party Dress?”

  2. Whispers in the Dark….

  3. It reminds me of what the little girls wear in movies like The Duchess, so how about “The Duchess Party Dress”

  4. I will say Lilybella…it’s a beautiful dress! xo Shannon

  5. I think it should be known as the Blythe Gown.

  6. “dance with me”
    oh, and come pop over here my little appletart…..

  7. Louisiana sunset gown

  8. I say “Belle party dress”. She looks like she would be the belle of the ball anywhere she goes! xo Crystal

  9. Coucher du Soleil

  10. Lavender Fields party dress

  11. I think it should be the Briony Gown.

  12. “Moonlit walk” It reminds me of the moonlight when it hits the sidewalk at night. What a beautiful gown!

  13. I like the name twilight for it, but if it bothers you, then since it’s my birthday today I am going to say it needs to be the Elizabeth dress

  14. eventide

  15. Reverie’s stroll dress

    🙂 Afternoon Jen, how are you?

  16. DOeth, I forgot about the sunday stroll dress…Ok can I change that to Reverie’s moondance?

  17. Sweet Sirena party dress

  18. Plum Perfection……Plum Ruffled Perfection???????

  19. Dusk ’till Dawn

  20. What a beautiful dress! What about Anneliese Midnight Gown or Aislinn Midnight Gown.

  21. The Alessandria Gown ORRRRR, the Giavanna or Caprielle dress. 🙂

  22. Dancing in The Moonlight…

  23. I would call it Sueno Azul.

  24. hey! it’s my bday too!

    So, the name I would choose is:

    The Emmaline (with a long “i” pronunciation)

  25. I think you should call it….For the Love of Lavender. What a gorgeous dress!

  26. I asked my 3 1/2 year old little girl, “what is the little girl’s name in the photo” and she said “Beatrice, maybe mommy” So, we are going to vote for “Beatrice May”

  27. Oh what a gorgeous gown! How about the Sweet Sara Party Dress. : )

  28. Priscilla Party Dress. Fits with the other names in the line and it’s memorable like the design.

  29. We call her “Ella Belle” so maybe it should be “The Ella Belle”

  30. How ’bout “Premier Prix Party Gown” blue-ribbon quality!

  31. I think you should call it the Violet Party Dress. It is a beautiful dress.

  32. How about “Lavender Grace” or “Lavender with Grace”

  33. Helena’s Dream

  34. How about….Dusk Ruffles -or- Garden of Eden Party Dress -or- Lavishly Lavender Party Ruffles -or- Exquisitely Eden Party Dress

  35. Enchanted Dusk

  36. Hello!
    I say the “Dusky Ruffles”

  37. I would name her “Josephine”. Beautiful!!

  38. Savannah Stroll Party Ruffles (it reminds me of a dress that would be worn to stroll around Savannah GA where Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil was filmed)

  39. When The Wind Blows
    Violet Cake

  40. I think of Huckleberry picking when we were kids when I see that gown. I think it should be Huckleberry passion.

  41. Such a beautiful dress.
    How about Aurora Party Dress

  42. “The Audrey Gown”

  43. Enchantment.

    It’s really beautiful.

  44. The dress is so beautiful,I would name the dress Habotia Party Dress.
    Great day to you and your family and the bean.

  45. “Enchantment”

  46. I love this dress… it reminds me of old London.. perhaps a tea party at on old English cottage… what about “English Cottage Tea Dress?”

  47. It is a beautiful gown – “touch of dusk”

  48. Apparently, I don’t follow rules too well! Completely missed the ONE NAME per person!! Soooooo,

    the Alessandria Gown it is!

    Thanks for the opportunity! It is GORGEOUS!!!

  49. Beautiful dress Jen! Absolutely stunning.

    I would name this one “Farewell Paper Dolls”

    ~ Melissa

  50. Masquerade gown. It evokes a timegone era of fun and mysterious party masks at an old fashioned soiree.

  51. How about “The silver Star Gown”

  52. I love the name “Lavender Bliss”

  53. LOVE this dress!! How about “Hollyn’s Whisper”

    Thanks for the chance!


  54. Adeline after my grandmother.

  55. Calm Eventide

  56. “Lavished in Lavender” party dress.

    Oh yea and thanks for the stair info. I am gonna start my in a couple months.
    Just loving your blog… I go on everyday to see what’s new. Keep up the beautiful work “Martha”

  57. Sorry…I didn’t read the part about one name per person/entry. I guess I got overly excited. I’ll go with Savannah/Savannah Stroll

  58. Midsummer Nights Dream Dress-absolutely gorgeous!

  59. dancing with fairies dress

  60. dances with fairies dress

  61. “Night Falls”

  62. This dress reminds me of something Jane Eyre-esque so I am going with:

    Lady Jane

    as the name for this stunner of a dress.

    Thanks and good luck all!


  63. This dress is so beautiful . . . my vote is for Bella Party Dress. Your clothes are amazingly lovely.

  64. I know it’s a movie title, but how about “Enchanted April?” The color fits a spring theme and it is absolutely enchanting! I did like the concept of “farewell paper dolls” too. This is tough!

  65. The Stardust Party Dress

  66. I like “Twillight” It reminds me of that time and the movie.

  67. Windsor

  68. Summer Breeze

  69. Alice in Wonderland Party Dress. Who wouldn’t have a fabulous tea party in this dress?

  70. The Larkspur Ruffle Dress

  71. How about “Evening Fairytale Party Dress”?

  72. Sunset Fairy

  73. Netherfield Ball Gown

  74. I would like to submit the name Bella Flora for this beautiful dress.

  75. Storybook Dress

  76. the Lavender Mist 🙂

  77. evangaline’s party gown

  78. I think this looks like a dress that a fairy godmother would “bippity boppity boop” and poof it would appear in all of its grandeur….
    So… I would call it the “Fairy Godmother Dress”!

  79. Aubriella Grace~

  80. Moonlight Whisper Party Dress….

  81. Sophie Party Dress or Olivia Party Dress…simply beautiful!

  82. Lilac Dreams reminds me fields of lilacs

  83. starlit night

  84. I think it should be named Petunia! Your blog is enchanting, I love seeing what is going on at Windy Ridge.

  85. How about The Stasha gown. Goregous dress!!

  86. The name of the dress? – Mid-Summer Night Dream

    Hope this wins!

  87. “Touch of Midnight dress”

  88. what a lovely frock! my favorite idea is:

    queen mab party dress

    others are:
    sounding sea party dress
    even’tide party dress
    faithfully yours party dress

    love it! 😀

  89. for some reason Bethany comes to mind when I see the dress. I would call it Bethany Party Dress. 🙂

  90. The color reminds me of the violets I used to pick in the woods as a child every April, and I can totally envision my daughter dressed in this for a tea party, so my name is Woodland Violets Tea Dress.

  91. My suggestion is simply the Cobblestone Party Dress.

  92. Smokey mountain gown

  93. “Savannah Nights” since we are heading there for vacation next week…

  94. Oh My Goodness this dress is lovely! It reminds me of Midsummer Night’s Dream… fairy-like and ethereal. What about Titania… she was the fairy queen after-all!

  95. lady in waiting dress

  96. Oops, I guess I have to stick with Huckleberry Passion…although I’ve had fun “Dreaming” up a ton of them. Sorry, didn’t realize I could only submit one name.

  97. Oh! Its beautiful…my little girl would love a dress like this! I say the name should be Rosalie Ruffles….Have a great day!

  98. “Avonlea Party Dress”

  99. Such a LOVELY dress, your designs are so etheral, just right for little girls, how about “Silver Moon”?
    Wendy P.

  100. It is a beautiful dress – captures that unique, elegant spirit like all your clothing!

    How about Moonstruck?

  101. Misty Morning Party Dress or Morning Mist Party Dress, my daughter thought it up… Karin

  102. Moonlight Mist

  103. Anastasia

  104. my daughter would like to name the dress serenity

  105. i love.. The Ella Bella Gown or Party dress by Eden’s Bouquet!

  106. I love the color of this dress and Twilight was such a good name. I am a huge Twilight series fan and now, when I hear the word Twilight, I too think of vampires! But OH how much I love Edward Cullen.

    This dress is gorgeous, it reminds me of the Moonstone gem. Therefore, I’d name it “Moonstone Party dress”. A little play off the collection from CobbleSTONE.


    The moonstone is characterised by an enchanting play of light. Indeed it owes its name to that mysterious shimmer which always looks different when the stone is moved and is known in the trade as ‘adularescence’. In earlier times, people believed they could recognize in it the crescent and waning phases of the moon.

    The dress has this enchanting play on light like the gem. It has that mysterious shimmer even though it’s not a shimmery dress.

  107. You should name my sister’s dress “Moonlight Lavender!

  108. Cascades. (Afer the ruffles AND the mountains.)

  109. Delphinium Ruffles Dress

  110. I think it should be named simply “Whisper”
    or “Hush”

  111. “Moonlight Shadows” or “Summers Eve”

  112. how about Violets Blue?

  113. The dress reminds me of an opal – vintage, elegant with subtle colors that can change in the light. How about Enchanted Opal or simply Opalesque

    thanks- love the site!

  114. Lou Lou Party Dress

    Royal Party Gown

  115. Kaimu Ocean Dream Dress (It’s looks on my screen like the color of the water at La Jolla at sundown.)

  116. I think the dress should be named the Luxe Habotia Party Dress.

  117. I went back and forth on this one because it kind of reminds me of a Southern ball gown, but it also reminds me of the English Countryside…so my Jane Austen side won out and I think you should call it the “Pemberly gown” from Pride and Prejudice.

  118. oh right away this reminded me of the color gown that very beautiful actress Penelope Cruz wore somewhere (however I can’t recall where)………….I think simply “Penelope” would suit this perfectly!!

  119. As I was driving home from church tonight, it came to me…”The Harlow” Wish me luck 🙂 Love your blog!

  120. Love the dress! It reminds me of my favorite book/movie, hence the name “Great Expectations Soirée Gown”.

  121. the “Bennevi Jean” after my wonderful mother

  122. How about Purple Moon Party dress? McKenna said, how about Ruffles:)

  123. Funny enough I first thought of Sonnet and then thought that sounded too familiar, I should check to see if one was already named that, and sure enough, there was… so then I was tossing around soiree something or ‘Lydia Dress’, but then it’s not really a purple purple, so dusky and beautiful, and here when I sit down to add mine to the long list, I see the comment before me uses “Soiree”, so sorry, I am not intending to copy! So, I vote for ‘Evening Soiree Dress’. I’ll say dress and not gown since you have called it that. There! Now I can stop thinking about it! =) Oh dear, maybe I should have said ‘Lydia’s Soiree’! I fear now I can’t stop thinking about it! =)

  124. Ooooh, Jen! I love it! I follow your blog everyday though I never make a comment. Couldn’t pass this one up though… my vote is for “Moonlight Kiss Party Gown”. Thought this would go well with all the color choices! 🙂

  125. “The Renaissance Dress”

  126. The Rebecca Gown: From Rags to Ruffles

  127. Storybook and Moonstone are my favorites from others so far. i will offer one of my own soon!

  128. Love the dress..
    I think it should be called “Bella Bloom”…

  129. Princess in Plum

  130. Sigh…Twilight was a such beautiful name for the dress but unfortunately it does have a definite vampire connotation now. You know, this dress reminds me of your pretty little Cloud Dress from the Port of Morrow collection …only FAR more dreamy and sumptuous! How about “Dream Cloud Party Dress?”

  131. Gentry Party Dress

  132. The “Bennett” dress after Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice.

  133. Flowing ruffles dress

  134. Lovely dress. How about…..”One Enchanted Evening”

  135. Every Piece of edens Bouquet clothing is so exquisite it seems to tell a story, I would like to tell the story of the ENTANTED EVENING DRESS……….Cameron was still excited by the events of the day, the garden party was beautiful, and so many kids to play with! The parents were relaxing on the wide white porch, enjoying the coming dusk and the end of a hot day. Suddenly in the meadow I saw a twinkling, and another! The other children shouted too, as we recognized the first fireflies of the evening! Will mom let me chase the fireflies? My beautiful dress could be soiled! My brother Kyle had already made mom upset by stuffing a dirty frog in his pocket earlier in the day. I looked at my mom with wide eyes as the other kids raced by me, expecting a dissaproving look and a come here jesture. I giggled instead for on my moms face was a warm smile and in her hand she held a clear crystal jar.

  136. Hmm…Maybe “Serenity’s Eve”

  137. hmmm… something fancy like Christiana… 🙂

  138. I believe this beautiful gown should be named simply “Azulejo”

  139. I suggest Nocturne or Nuit Violette…The dress is just Lovely!!!!

  140. What a beautiful dress!! I’d name it Lila Victoria Party Dress or drop the Victoria if you prefer just one name.

  141. Anne of Avonlea Gown. If you have ever seen or read Anne of Green Gables then you know I could not resist the urge.

  142. Ok, I actually had a few names, but then I saw your request for one name per person, so this will have to be the one…the
    “Shy Little Violet Party Dress”, and here’s a few more for fun…

    “Plum Princess Party Dress”
    “Serendipity Dress”
    “Ever After Party Dress”
    “Dancing At Dusk Dress”
    “The Enchanted Evening Party Dress”

    I just had way too many ideas…hopefully these will help you decide. You have so many great names to choose from…good luck! = )

  143. My idea is the “Once Upon A Time Party Dress” since it so beautifully captures the grace and elegance of a classic storybook fairytale.

  144. I love the name “Iris” for it.

  145. Sorry, my entry should have read enchanted evening dress!

  146. Seraphina or Sweet Seraphina

  147. I would name it the Belle gown.

  148. I would name it Theresa Thomasene.
    I love your beautiful clothes.

  149. Beautiful dress Jen! I would say Sweet Lenore…or just Lenore. 🙂

  150. With Ingrid and Raven in the collection, what about naming the dress – the Ophelia party dress.

  151. I love all your stuff jen!! I like the name “Prairie Sunset” Party Dress!!

  152. In honor of your wishes for something more of springtime and for the sheets of ruffles, “April Showers…” To be sold, of course, with a linen and velvet “May Flower.”

  153. Starlight

  154. I would say “moonlight iris”…:)

  155. Blue Heaven

  156. Huckleberry Memory

  157. bellesophia….

  158. how about The Bella Luna Gown?

  159. Sweet Dreams Party Dress

  160. How about calling the dress simply Charli

  161. How about moonlight sonata? Reminds me of moonbeams – just beautiful!

  162. WOW! So many wonderful names already and I smiles to see so many obvious Jane Austen fans from the names they chose! To me, this dress has a very classical, yet carefree look so I would opt for the classical musical term–The Arabesque Ball Gown.


  163. I think it should be called the Audra Leigh party dress. Beautiful blog, beautiful clothes for the little ones!

  164. This gorgeous dress reminds me of a Midsummer Night’s Dream (my absolute favorite Shakespeare play), so I vote for “Helena” because her dreams really did come true when her beloved Demetrius finally fell in love with her!

  165. I just thought Harper’s Midnight sounded pretty…

  166. My mom makes a much loved dessert called “Blueberry Yum Yum”. It is a must at any event any time of year!!

  167. “Blueberry Mist”

  168. Hmmm… I love this gown and it reminds me of old pics or movies about london so I would call it the “london lavendar” gown.

  169. I love Twilight but since your asking, I think Enchantment would be lovely:)

  170. ‘the Portia gown’ – It’s gorgeous!

  171. I should have read the comments first;) Since Enchantment was already mentioned I will revise my earlier comment and say Moondance, isn’t that sweet?

    I love Michelle’s comment about Anne of Green Gables, I L.O.V.E. that book series. In fact, I have 2 future collections that are completely inspired by the book. Good choice!

  172. mmm… what about “Lavendar’s Blue Party Dress”

  173. I really like SAVANAH’S SOUTHERN CHARM!!!!

    Could it be because my great grand daughter’s name is SAVANAH????

    Fran–North Carolina

  174. This dress reminds me of a mystical full moon and sirens calling from the sea. I would call it “The Moonspell Dress.” I have just recently discovered your line and I am enchanted! So beautiful!

  175. Aislinn Bleu

  176. I think the dress is adorable & should be called “Little Miss Muffet”.

  177. The “Tiffany”

  178. Love your entire line!! My daughter would look beautiful in one of your dresses!!
    🙂 Syndee

  179. The “Promanade Party Dress!”

    The picture is lovely! She looks as though she could be strolling her Pram through a “Cobblestone” Promanade.

  180. I absolutely love these clothes. I wish I was 7 again. I look at this darling little dress and “Endearing Eve” comes to my mind.

  181. What about “Contessa’s Court Party Dress.”

    BTW-this dress is gorgeous!

  182. OOOpps! I forgot to give the name of the dress… how about “Blooming & Blue”??
    🙂 Syndee

  183. violet fields. ♥

  184. I like Ethne, Amaya, and Imogene. It’s an absolutely stunning dress! 🙂 **fingers crossed to win**

  185. The Lavender Lass Party Dress

  186. I think you should name the dress Lilas it is french for Lilac.. which is the perfect color to describe this dress. Thanks Heather

  187. You should name the dress Penombra, lilac in Italian …

  188. Midnight Bloom

  189. Evelyn Party Dress (SO beautiful, by the way!!)

  190. The Bible speaks of Lydia the seller of purple. (or royal clothing) I think that “The Lydia dress” would be very fitting.

  191. Beautiful dress. “Utopia”.

  192. I think that a nice name would be the “Afterglow Party Dress”. That dress is so gorgeous! You really make the most amazing things!

  193. The ISABELLA. It is a beutiful dress and deserves a fitting name.

  194. Dream Girl

    – This dress is perfect for those with a dream – a dress that helps your dreams come true ! Sublime !

  195. Tallulah Gale…don’t ask where that came from, lol! Just sounds good to me! 🙂

  196. Love the dress!

    I think of “Sublime Party Dress”.

    I think my little girl would feel simply sublime in such a beautiful dress!

  197. “The Wisteria Dress” for the beautiful shade of blue smokey lavender and rows of climbing ruffles that welcome Spring!

  198. Angelic Whisper Gown

  199. When I see that gorgeous dress I think of the name Cloud Break…you know, like the gorgeous silvery light that defines the clouds when the sunrays just starts to break through; the clouds somehow look buoyant and completely weight-full at the same time? Yeah. Those clouds make me sigh…kinda like this lovely dress. Both are just beautiful…

  200. Moonlit Breeze, Moonlit Mist, Twilight Mist, Sweet Sierra, Amelia, Enchanted Lilacs, Evening of Bliss, Smokey Nightfall….Love this dress!!!


  202. Hydrangea Sunshine

  203. Such a pretty dress! I was thinking “Lila Paris” like the color of purple lilacs.

  204. Priscilla

  205. This dress is BEAUTIFUL….my choice would be “Deja Vu”…..

  206. Well…how ’bout An Evening in Eden or Eden’s Enchanted Evening or An Eden Evening. All the same really, just not sure of which way sounds best :o)

  207. How about “midnight blueberry”?

  208. First I have to say “Kudos” to all that have posted.. What wonderful ideas everyone had. I love how this has everyones creative juices flowing. On all of this… Of course I love Savannah..
    but being this name has been suggested several times, and I’m not sure if Jen wants the name or pacific title…. I will go with “Casi Cielo”
    Good Luck to us all…

  209. I think you named it in your latest post….”wisteria” love it and I think it fits perfectly 😉

  210. I forgot to ask in my last post….where in the world did you get those silver boots? Love them please share the brand.

  211. The “Piazza” Party Gown!

  212. OK, i thought long and hard about this, im usually just a lurker on the blog, but i had to write! i LOVE Twilight, and you are right, this dress reminds me of it.

    I guess I am going for more of the Twilight guess

    “Bella’s Lullaby Dress” is my nomination.

    Yes, seems wierd to think of vampires and lullabies, but i do have a reason!

    In the book, Edward plays for Bella song he wrote for her at his house. She is in awe. When you read the book ,you just get the sense that Edward is just the most completely awesome loving guy. You love the soft side of vampires.
    The same happens in the movie and He plays “Bella’s Lullaby” for her. Rob Pattison (the actor who plays Edward) actually plays it in the movie, since i guess he is crazy-talented in real life.

    I came up with some other ideas, but this is the one that represents the most internal/loving/devoted side of vampires. You give this dress to someone you love for iternity.


  213. oops iternity=eternity


  214. Dappled Dawn Dress

    (It’s a variety of lilac)

  215. Blueberry Parfait!!! xoxo

  216. midnight mist
    moonlit mist
    moonlight mist
    misty moon

    It’s just beautiful!

  217. This lovely dress reminds me of an old Deep Purple song called “SMOKE ON THE WATER” . The “Smoke On The Water” Dress.

  218. Tara’s Treasure

  219. Willow’s Whisper

  220. Violetta?
    I have just discovered your website and blog. Truly lovely! I am a WA state girl myself who currently lives in Northern VA due to job transfer for my husband. Loving the pictures of the pine trees.

  221. what a lovely dress. i’m going to suggest “pemberley party dress” after darcy’s home in pride and prejudice. seems like something elizabeth bennet would wear. 🙂

  222. The Enchantment Gown

  223. I wanted to read every comment so I wouldn’t repeat an idea, but I started and it was taking too long. I apologize if someone else already suggested this one. My idea is inspired by the song, “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” because that’s what I think about at twilight since i have two kiddos who like to point out the moon and stars and sing the song. So here it is: Twinkle Party Dress.

  224. Dress name? Evening Eyre… Love your clothes, always a treat to view. Waiting for a grandbaby to spoil.

  225. I think it should be called, “When I am Queen”. (that’s a dilly of dress! 🙂

  226. What a gorgeous dress! It’s soft, flowy….my name for it would be whisper!

  227. Full bloom party dress

  228. Mariam Dress

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