24 Years

levi 1991

This is Levi 25 years ago.

I have this snapshot sitting on my bedside table. This day was the start of “us”.  Well, actually, the night before this day. I had met Levi for the first time two years earlier and we became fast friends. The kid was hilarious and that was my favorite thing about him. You could not be around him without laughing. I thought he was adorable and I would set him up with my friends. It NEVER crossed my mind that I would marry him. I actually heard that he wanted to ask me on a date and I told my friends to tell him DO NOT ask me out because I do not want to say no. So he didn’t.

And then 2 years later.

We were being goofy one night and we held hands. I am not even sure how it happened. We here crammed in the front of a pickup truck and it just happened.

That’s it.

In that instant I knew without a doubt that I would marry him. I remember sitting there in shocked silence at this revelation. My best friend lived with me and she was going to an airshow with Levi the next morning. As soon as she woke up I told her that I was going to marry Levi.

This photo was snapped at the airshow and when I look at it I see the beginning of our story his face. 

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. (proverbs 16:9)

Yesterday we celebrated 24 years of marriage.

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