Wyatt Austin

Our baby boy turned 8 on November 9th. Our clown. I just had a conference with his teacher and she said he is so goofy that she had a hard time determining his academic skill (which turned out to be wonderfully average). As you can imagine it was a challenge to get a serious photo of this kid, but I like how they show who he is. A loving, sensitive, weird, driven, passionate, weird, sweet and weird fellow.

We brought him to dinner and to the mall to pick something out for his birthday. He picked 2 guns that light up like neon rainbows and make an awful racket.

Don’t tell Wyatt I shared this with you. He took my phone and recorded this sad little song on the fly in the sauna bathroom. We call it “Perfostity”. Whatever that means:)

Blessing on thee, little man!

10 thoughts on “Wyatt Austin

  1. Love it! What a fun group of pictures. If they capture his personality accurately, I would venture a guess that you rarely have a dull moment with him around! Happy Birthday to the little man. 🙂 We have November birthdays here too…so fun!

  2. Too cute! But, I couldn’t watch the video..says it is set to private…

  3. What a cute young man:) Happy Birthday Wyatt!

  4. He SOOOO reminds me of KIEREN!!! And Kieren is ALWAYS singing too! Cute!

  5. wow that was a sad little song! But so sweet:)

  6. OH MY GOSH!!! That song is soo cute, makes no sense, is innocently sad, but I love it!!! Tell him i said YOYOYO HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE MAN!

  7. Oh, and could you please send that to me on my email or something? I need that as a ringtone!

  8. Happy Happy Birthday

  9. Happy Birthday!!!

    Love the first picture!

  10. Love the description “wonderfully average”. Perfect! Happy birthday Wyatt.

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