Virtual Living Room

WR living room


I have read quite few posts lately about the wickedness of social media so I would like to offer my perspective.

I love social media and consider it a blessing.

In my virtual living room (or at my kitchen table or coffee shop or wherever your imagination takes you) I can fellowship with friends from far and wide. In the middle of my busy day as I am sitting in my rocking chair with baby Jessie asleep on my shoulder I can ask you for dinner ideas or advice about symptoms my child is having. I can catch up on what is happening in the lives of friends and family that I haven’t seen in years and look at pictures of their growing children.  I can have conversations with other adults even if I don’t have time to get out of the house.

I can inspire and be inspired.

I love to see other’s creativity. Artwork, recipes, projects, music, deeds. I cannot tell you how many times that it has inspired me to try new things. I hope I inspire others, too. Sometimes your gifts are beyond mine so I just sit and admire.

Advise and be advised.

In a quandary? Your kid got a rash that you’ve never before seen in all your livelong days? There’s an app for that. Seriously, family and friends experience beats anything that can be read in a book. I love that we can share advice and experience, complete with photos. Social media has been an invaluable resource when it comes to that.

I can encourage and be encouraged.

Whether I am simply feeling blue or anxiously sitting in an emergency room, I can tap my phone screen and instantly connect with you. Oh, how you have comforted me when I most needed it.  I can read about your troubles and tell you that I have been there and everything will be alright. I can share sermons and scriptures that move me and remind you that I am praying for you, just as you do for me.  Through you (and Facebook), God provides.

I am embracing this new technology and I shall squeeze all the good out of it that I can. For me, it is a place to love one another.

13 thoughts on “Virtual Living Room

  1. I so agree! I used to fear it was unhealthy but came to realize how it blesses me in the same way you have described. 🙂 I’m an extrovert and can’t do all the visiting I’d like in person but social media helps with that! 🙂

  2. I so agree. I am at a place in my life where it is hard to show my face in public (prayers please). I attend church, funerals, weddings, etc in the comfort of my own home. I also think it is a place where we can exhort one another and show the love that God has shown by giving us his only son.
    Oh and this is not social but I am attending college online and this is a God send because I did not want to leave my babies quite yet.. although it is looking like I will have to work out of the house until I can find a job from home… I hate having to leave my 3 year old…

  3. Well said.. I really need it right now, to get my thoughts out and to know that people care! Love you, sis!!!

  4. I so agree with you! I have found it to ba a great blessing. Thank you for saying this.

  5. So true, you can keep up with all your firends in the different stages of their lives, and their families. There is alot of evil in the world, but the good out numbers the bad every time. I love your post and so enjoy watching your children grow up, even if i don’t know you. Social media brings so many people together that will never meet each other, but have a common thread regardless. It is a great support system, especially in a time of need.

  6. To me . . I love it! It lets me share the word of God with others . . Love makes the world go around :O) Blessings, xo

  7. Thanks for a positive balance to all the gloom and doom. I agree. We are blessed.

  8. Thank you for your perspective on this. For the record, this very blog has inspired me to dream, be a better mother, appreciate the little things, be patient and more eloquent, remember what’s important. I don’t know you, but you’ve done that for me. Amen to social media.

  9. I couldn’t agree more…great post.

  10. Yes!! I agree! It has been a special blessing to me as well…

  11. Jennifer, I really appreciate your positive posts! And I agree about the positive affect social media can have in our lives. If a person were looking for the negative or evil, they could probably find it, people being people, however, I surround myself on my social media with nice things and people and I am lifted up by it! So nice to grab my first cuppa and sit down with friends on my computer! Thanks for your post!!
    BTW, hope you found some use for the shoes and boots. My sister didn’t want to send them to Goodwill if friends could get use out of them!

  12. Love your post and completely agree! It has been a major blessing in my life too.

  13. So love this! was just reading a post that saw everything bad. You and I connected 20+ years ago then we moved back home to NH and lost touch. It is so good to reconnect here. I love my connections with people and being able to encourage and participate from miles away. THANK YOU for this.

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