Violet's first sauna

The house may not be finished. But the sauna is.  It may not have water yet, but we are not above hauling in buckets of water.  Violet is addicted.  She hasn’t stopped begging for another.

Not happy about leaving the steam room

9 thoughts on “Violet's first sauna

  1. LOL, Vi is such a dolly!!! Scary about Staisha, I had just talked to her at church on Sunday. Her son Tyrone is in my Sunday school class!! Praying hard for her and her family!!

  2. so cute!

  3. hehe, cute!

  4. oh goodness. i SO need one of those in my home.

  5. that is awesome!! Ruby would LOVE That!!

  6. Love it!!! Brings back memories for me. Finn power! 🙂

  7. That’s just like Aerro. He’s beein in the sauna since week 2….He looves it and hates coming out!
    You’re so sweet, li’l Vi!! I love you!

  8. For years I have had these famous words, “I am going to build a sauna”, no such luck yet! I’m gonna have to come and try it out soon!

  9. aaaaaw
    vi’s hair is getting long!

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