I took an overwhelming amount of photos. My insatiable desire to snap photos everywhere I go is borderline obsessive. I commented to Anna that it would be nice to have a camera built in my eyes then I could just blink. I think blinking would probably be easier for me. My poor Canon Rebel. I would madly adjust ISO’s,apetures and who knows what else every time I went inside a shop and would start all over again once I walked back outside. I will post snippets of our holiday so that I can fit my favorite snapshots.
If the cool door matches, you must take a photo, right?
After taking our sweet time getting ready (and sleeping in) we wandered the streets until we found a coffee shop. This took awhile of course. Because I made everyone stop every few steps for a photo. Their patience amuses amazes me! It’s not like I snapped a quick photo. I would take about 5 practice shots before getting the settings half way right.
So despite all the hoping & finger crossing it did rain on Tuesday. Somehow it just made the village seem even cozier. It wasn’t mean rain like here in Washington. Just a nice, gentle rain. Look at me, putting the best construction on the Carmel rain.
pretty birthday girl, look how cute you are Mom:-). My mama isn’t real fond of photos but she managed to be a real good sport. Thanks Ma.