The lost boys


The last 2 weeks have been crazy.  I have been so preoccupied with sickness & babies that the household has become a “free for all”.  Kids running wild, drinking soda and eating chicken nuggets for breakfast, lunch and supper.  So when I heard a 5 year old voice asking if the 5 brothers could give each other mohawks I distractedly replied “yes, go ahead”. 

The lost boys are wearing their Harbor Jeans.

16 thoughts on “The lost boys

  1. haha! looking good boys!

  2. LOL that is to funny!!!

  3. Ahh, the infamous “Mommy-Said-We-Could” ‘do. I’ve seen that one before. They look great, all primed and ready for a Knuckleheads photo shoot!!!

  4. What a great picture, I laughed out loud as to how cute the picture was. Sometimes your just have to let them be boys. Looks like they are having fun with it.

  5. Cute boys! They look like they are having a lot of fun!

  6. Oh my goodness, you were distracted. But look how cute and what memories you and they will have with those pics. I think all boys go through a ‘mom-can-I-have-a-mohawk’ phase. HAH!

  7. Love it!
    My boy’s have been rockin’ a faux hawk ( not as shaved) for a couple of years now. 🙂

  8. LMBO! They look great though. =D

  9. Haha Love it 🙂

  10. Oooh! They look naughty. I had better not show my boys this picture, lest they get any ideas.

    In actuality, I like the mohawk. It’s a cute hairstyle.

  11. Not sure if you like it, but it made my LOL. kind of a funny story. Your lost boys look good!,stylin in the Harbor Jeans!

  12. Love their expressions…and the mohawks! Hope things get back to some kind of order for you soon.

  13. Love it! They are precious! I’m so jealous of that green fluffy grass too!

  14. They are so cute!

  15. haha love it!

  16. That is the best!!!

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