The drinking fountain



This was Levi’s brilliant idea.  An old vintage drinking fountain in the mudroom.  Why didn’t I think of this?  Our uncivilized children are constantly hanging off the fancy kitchen faucets and this is the perfect solution.  We found this fountain at Rejuvenations, a salvage shop in Portland, Oregon.  Love that place.

27 thoughts on “The drinking fountain

  1. I LOVE Rejuvenations!!!!! Nice find…it looks great!! (glad you are feeling better) 🙂

  2. How brilliant – especially for a family that lives outside as the seasons allow!

  3. What a great idea! I love it! 🙂


  4. Your home only keeps getting better and better. What a awesome idea! Keep posting!!! Melaine 🙂

  5. What a great idea!

  6. I love the pics of the house. The drinking fountain is an AWESOME idea…I think I’ll keep an eye out for one too!

  7. Ok that is just brilliant! I don’t think I made it to that shop when I lived in PDX.

  8. Now that really is genius. Except where I come from, we call that a “bubbler.”

  9. Your home is going to be in a magazine one day! (if they haven’t called you already!) Have a wonderful day! 🙂

  10. The mud room is a wonderful idea~ we have one in our backyard that I LOVE….no more running inside for drinks!

  11. Perfect.

  12. Hey, love the old vintage fountain. We have a modern one outside. It comes in handy in the summer!

  13. This is the cutest Idea I have seen in a long time! I remember those drinking fountains as a kid..precious! You have a gorgeous house, I love the staircase with the old banister spindles…perfect! 🙂

  14. That is fantastic!

  15. THAT IS THE BEST IDEA I HAVE EVER SEEN! Glad you were able to impliment it 🙂
    Hummmm wonder if I can put one in my garage..we have the neighborhood kids running in and out every summer…..thanks for sharing.

  16. I love it!

  17. Oh, I am in love with this. Every detail in your home that you show I sit and say “That is yummy or so cool…., look at those details.” The sad and funny part is that I have done this on a lunch break in my office out-loud only to have people hear me as they walk by. 🙂 Oh well. Your home and all that is within those walls is just beautiful. Thank you for giving us all a view into your heavenly world.

  18. Now THAT is cool! Yep, Levi is brilliant!

  19. ridiculously cool idea, of course
    are ya’ll gonna write a book on design in your spare time? if so, count me in

  20. get out!
    love Levi.

  21. FUNNY I’ve wanted a water fountain ever since i was little and Aunt Lorraine had one at her house (actually i just want her old house!)…so cute!

  22. Coolest. Parents. Ever.

  23. What a great idea!!! My son would love this. He’s always using our faucet as a drinking fountain and it drives me nuts.

  24. Hey that is cool!!! Great idea…

  25. very nice!

  26. Hello!
    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
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    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

  27. Hi ! 🙂
    My name is Piter Kokoniz. Just want to tell, that your blog is really cool
    And want to ask you: is this blog your hobby?
    Sorry for my bad english:)

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