The barn project

Levi and the boys have been working on the long awaited barn.  He decided to build it right around The Shack because he felt like too many outbuildings would be clutter.  I’m not sure how all that works, but he has a vision and usually they turn out beautiful.  I am excited to fill it up with cattle. And bunny rabbits. And a few goats. Sheep? Dad tootled over for a visit this sunny morning and got me dreaming about a milking Jersey.  We had a milk cow named Goldie when I was a little girl and she was the sweetest thing.  I used to love to watch Dad milk her and remember dipping my finger into the top of the jar for a taste of the yummy, rich cream.

Slowly, but surely I am feeling better. This last month has been rough, but I think it’s just because I got sick of being sick.  I am down to 2 Zofran a day and I ususally don’t start slobbering and gagging until around 4 pm. I can’t wait to feel baby jumping around in there.

6 thoughts on “The barn project

  1. Wow that’s cool.. glad you’re feeling better! A couple more weeks and we will be down there to see you all!

  2. Very exciting! I love having our cow and can’t wait to have fresh milk from her. 🙂 Goats are fun too…we have several. Never a dull moment with critters in a barn to entertain. Glad you are starting to feel better too!

  3. My daughter raises diary goats for her 4h project and we use their milk. We also make cheese, soap, lotion and bath soak out of it. Goat milk is the easiest milk for humans to digest. When my kids were babies they went from breast milk to goats milk. We love it. Have fun with your barn and animals!!!

  4. Wow! He’s quick!!! The sketch looks beautiful, of course I’d expect nothing less from Levi. I can’t wait to see the finished project and hear stories about the cozy lives of WR animals.

  5. So glad you’re feeling better 🙂

  6. YAY! It looks wonderful. Bunny rabbits are lots of fun! Glad to hear your feeling a little better! 🙂

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