Summer days

Snaps from our long summer days. Lazing in the green hammock, sleeping under the stars, barbecues, badminton…

Kittens, fresh fish, long walks, wild berries…

Borrowed horses, front porch living, bonfires, swimming…

Flying kites, ocean getaways, 4-wheeling, skipping rocks…

Good company (Aunty Maria making pony tails), sprinklers, lemonade…

That’s what summer at Windy Ridge is made of. What a blessed summer so far…I am not ready for it to end.

8 thoughts on “Summer days

  1. What cute pictures.. summer is fun, but this year is so busy and I am worn to a frazzle.. At the moment my house is upside down and we are finished day 1 of our moving sale.. Tyrel is have a sleepover in the barn and I need to write a poem by tomorrow evening!!

  2. So very sweet. What the heck is Hazel holding in the last photo? Looks part monkey, part lizard, part praying mantis.

  3. Wow, your summer looks like it has been glorious. I can’t wait to see you guys!

  4. these are awesome Jen. Makes me wanna come live there.. so peaceful and warm inviting.. just lovely I dont want summer to end either

  5. Such beautiful pictures, Jen! Enjoy our last bit of summer. 🙂

  6. Hello there . . . nothin like family . . . sweet pics always:O)

  7. Okay i’ve gotta know what she’s holding in that last picture too! It looks like a tiny ET with a tail! I’ll also be needing you to pack up those 2 chairs and put them on a UPS truck to my house! Are the bottoms whiskey barrels? I’m totally loving them! This is totally stupid but i actually thought of you yesterday..a facebook friend posted a free church pew. i already have a 9ft one in my kitchen but knew i must have it! i started thinking..what would Jen do? then i got tickled thinking about the WWJD bracelets everyone used to wear!

  8. and just for the record i totally don’t normally say totally so much! haha!

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