Soda Break

It was warm and we were running hither and yon doing bride & groom photos. In the middle of it all, Rachael & Anthony sit down at the bistro table for a soda break while I keep snapping. All around us is the chatter of children, the commotion of preparation and the delicious smell of wedding soup wafting through the summer air.

8 thoughts on “Soda Break

  1. These are awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing…I needed that today! 🙂

  2. Aww… so cute!! Love these pics too!!

  3. Well done my friend. Curious…you are West coast born and bred,how is that you say soda instead of pop?

  4. Pat, I think what comes in these bottles are “soda”, not “pop”! It’s not a normal Coke, Rootbeer, etc.


  6. <3

  7. Our beautiful kids!!

  8. Our beautiful kids!!

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