
(snapshots collected from the Windy Ridge phones)

  1. smiling, baby Jessie & I
  2. Spencer in the headlights; loading up concrete supplies at Grandpa’s barn
  3. new sofas for the first time in 11 years
  4. the little girls got into mud while we colored our hair
  5. Spent $12 and got what I paid for
  6. forced to wear a huivi(Finnish for scarf)because I got what I paid for
  7. Jessie Pearl with her cousin, Reid
  8. cousins gathered around the cowbird
  9. Jessie Pearl with her cousin, Evan
  10. I don’t always eat vintage blocks out of a red pail, but when I do I sit on a large stack of magazines
  11. tiny cowboy hat
  12. cowgirl roosts on Spencer’s knee

4 thoughts on “Snapshots

  1. Looks like a fun month around Windy Ridge! 🙂 Sorry you “got what you paid for”…I need to do mine too.

  2. That leather couch is beautiful . . . black leather love:O)

  3. couch love here too! I want but….no way. 3 kids under 6. Not a gonna waste the money. LOL.

    Sorry about your “do.” Hopefully you can fix it!

  4. Great new couch, lovely baby Jessie Pearl, she has such a sweet smile, a blessing for sure! Sorry about the hair thing….the girls playing in the mud brings back memories when my girls where little.

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