
snapshots april 2013

  1. a moment of sadness when I saw this 11 year old journal entry about Christopher Robin
  2. she may not walk, but she climbs
  3. new teeth
  4. Lucy the lawnmower
  5. brothers drawing by lamplight
  6. cozy fire
  7. giant baby
  8. baby mohawk


4 thoughts on “Snapshots

  1. Sweet pictures! 🙂

  2. your family is beautiful, and I love how two of your girls are both getting new teeth at the same time 🙂 Jessie Pearl’s four little front teeth are so cute!

  3. It has been some time since I checked on Windy Ridge. The beautiful images and text of blessings always leave me filled. My heart felt a skip when I read the journal note. All this time.. I instantly knew the reference. As I scrolled further…. I was verified. That sweet looking boy lounging with that old dog… Goodness, how I have thought of the fragile heart he suffered to hold. His photo has stuck with me. His truth has served as conversation and lesson with my own 15 year old son. Thank you for sharing again. And that little Pearl peeking through the toy window…. filled again!! Lisa

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