Red sky at night


Outside our front door. Right this very minute.  I am counting on another sunny day tomorrow.

(okay, it isn’t that great in the photo, but I promise you it is spectacular in real life!)

7 thoughts on “Red sky at night

  1. I thought that on my way home tonight “red at night sailors delight…” the sky was so beautiful. I thought it was supposed to rain tomorrow though? Guess we’ll see:)

  2. The kids and I sat on my bed tonight watching the sunset on Mt. Rainier – gorgeous!! Our three year old little girl LOVED that the sky was so pink 🙂 I agree…spectacular!

    ~Karla @ It’s The Little Things…

  3. The pink skies have been not sure any camera can catch how it really it makes you catch your breath doesnt it?

  4. beautiful….

  5. Sailor’s delight! We had the same fiery sunset. There is something so peaceful about a colorful sunset.

  6. oh so pretty!!

  7. Red skies at night…oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

    You ARE thinking of the same song as I?!!

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