My Children's Father

Levi is a wonderful father. And a proud father.  Right after Jessie Pearl was born I made it clear that I, me myself & I, got to send the first photos out. He just grinned and promptly sent a video of our squalling newborn to everyone on his phone list. Including all of his builders. They were probably wondering what in the tarnation it was.

We didn’t tell the kids that I was coming home from the hospital that night, they thought only daddy was coming home. On our way Levi devised an evil plan.  He said that I should stay in the truck and he would carry baby in to surprise the children. I said absolutely not, that I should be the one to carry baby in. Before I knew it we were home and he was gone with the baby while I was left behind, astonished.  I think he may have jumped out before the vehicle came to a complete stop.

He brags shamelessly to anyone that will listen about how fine the new baby is. Just a perfect angel, he says. It doesn’t matter if you are a complete stranger, he knows you are interested in how fantastic and pretty our baby is.

When we go grocery shopping he carries the baby. “To pick up chicks” he says with a cheeky grin. And sure enough the chicks come flocking, ohhing and ahhing over the baby.

Despite my complaints he brings home lollipops for the girls. Between him and the big boys our little girls teeth will rot out of their heads in no time.

He reads storybooks, getting completely into character as the littles sit on his lap, listening in wide-eyed wonder. He  preaches heartfelt sermons to all of our children and reads the bible to them. And prays fervent prayers on their behalf.

It doesn’t matter, dear reader, if you are a complete stranger, I know you want to hear how marvelous my children’s father is.

15 thoughts on “My Children's Father

  1. Hey Jen, that is just awesome! Levi sounds like a hoot! And I love it that after so many kids the awe and wonder is still there….isn’t that the miracle of life? Praise God!

  2. How wonderful – I know your children love their dad!

  3. awww!

  4. So sweet!! 🙂

  5. That’s awesome! 🙂

  6. Awww….so sweet!

  7. So funny! I think you must still be in love with him, a lot;) thats so great…

  8. And THAT is why you’ve had so many kids with him! 🙂 I am lucky to have a husband like that too.


  10. Love it!

  11. loved reading this Jen!!!

  12. This is too sweet. He really does sound like an awesome dad. 🙂

  13. This is precious. Just precious. Still in love after all those years and all those babies. If I could talk my husband into #4, I totally would.

  14. You are so blessed!!

    : )

    Julie M.

  15. Always, always happy to hear about great examples of men.

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