How to avoid the swine flu



Levi’s brother emailed this and I couldn’t resist sharing.  Good Morning from Windy Ridge!

13 thoughts on “How to avoid the swine flu

  1. Eeeewwwww!!!!! That’s too funny but seriously disturbing at the same time. We’ll have to make very certain we don’t do that, won’t we;)

  2. How cute!

    Thanks for a little chuckle this morning!

  3. Seriously so gross, yet kinda cute? lol….thanks for the laugh!

  4. lol

  5. ewww thats gross but I guess I probably would have done the same thing when I was a kid. lol

  6. Oh, my gag-ness!!!

  7. LOL that’s funny and gross at the same time!!

  8. ewww I think I feel disgustingly nausiated, almost like morning sickness. (thanks )… haha

  9. GROSSS!! Talk about a wet kiss!!

  10. That made me laugh out loud!
    xoxo Nita

  11. OH MY GOOOOOOODNESS! That is hysterical!

  12. Well now that is just my big laugh of the day. Moments to remember and blackmail with later.

  13. Oh my gosh! That’s just wrong.

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