Good morning from Windy Ridge


A beautiful morning at Windy Ridge.  Photo taken out my office door 5 minutes ago.  What a lucky girl I am.

Yesterday I went to the doctor and all is well with the bean.  On April 22nd we will get to find out if the unborn is a boy or a girl.  If you Twitter, I will twitter tweet in real time as soon as I find out.  That is if I can find my long lost cell phone.  I am hoping it didn’t go to the same place as my ipod. If you want to follow along, sign on here.

14 thoughts on “Good morning from Windy Ridge

  1. Wow…Sooo beautiful! You are, indeed, one lucky girl!

    Glad to hear all is well with the bean, and that you’ll have a better idea of who he/she is on the 22nd! Hurray for sonograms! I don’t do Twitter yet (I’m doing well if I can read blogs more than once a week), so I guess I’ll be a little behind on the news when you get it, so please don’t forget to tell all of us here, too! Adding tiny new family members is such exciting stuff! Ours will be here in 2 months. I could have sworn that I found out last week that I was pregnant!

    So are your kids pulling for a girl or a boy more…or do they even have a preference? Last time all of mine wanted a boy and we got one. This time all of mine wanted a girl, and she is one. Whew! Glad they all agreed with what God already had planned!


  2. You are very lucky,So beautiful great to hear you and the bean doing well.

  3. Looks so fresh clear and crisp. Beautiful. Glad the bean is doing well. I belong to twitter but I haven’t grasped the whole concept yet or put that much thought into it yet. Is it easy?

  4. Breathtaking! If one day you happen to notice a treehouse over there on the left don’t mine it. Just me enjoying the view of Mt.St Helens, ehehe.

  5. Ooooooh! So breathtaking! Thank you for sharing the picture! Now I can daydream a little 🙂

  6. how exciting …. and sigh do I love your view 🙂 .. not complaining about mine here … just enjoying along 🙂

    I signed up for twitter ages ago and still not figured that thing out …

  7. Is that the donkey I love the donkey.

  8. What a blessed and beautiful life you are leading. This is a great time in your life.
    I remember how excited I was waiting to hear if I was having a boy or girl.
    I just started following you on twitter. I don’t want to miss news!


  9. That view is absolutely amazing! It is sights like those that make God seem so big and mighty. I can’t wait to find out what you’re having!

  10. twitter it right over my way why don’t you….

  11. What a beautiful view! I am so happy to hear everyone is healthy!

  12. beautiful. Your surroundings and lifestyle are intoxicating. It makes me rethink how I’m doing things. Can’t wait to see what sex the baby is!

  13. Oh, what a beautiful mornin’,
    Oh, what a beautiful day.
    I got a beautiful feelin’
    Ev’rything’s goin’ “your” way.

    I couldn’t help but start singing these lyrics in my head.. 😉 I know you can’t wait till the 22nd..

  14. You are a very lucky “blessed” girl. Is the bean a boy or girl???? wondering, wondering. Hope you all are fine, hope you don’t mind me sneaking a peek at your blog EVERDAY, cause I miss the mountains, and the people, rivers, trees, winding roads, fence posts, eagles, coyotes, lilacs, dirt roads and and and………
    Wendy P. in flat Fl.

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