Friday Harbor Preorder


Shop the Friday Harbor Collection

Save 10% on preorders with code: FH10  offer expires June 25th, 2009

The Story behind the inspiration:

Over two years ago we visited the quaint harbor village of Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands.   It is about a 3 hour drive and 1 hour ferry ride from Windy Ridge.  I was 6 months pregnant with  Queen Violet.  I was anemic and I remember being so tired I could hardly stay awake.  In between naps we explored the island.  Little did I know that I would be 6 months pregnant with another little girl by the time the collection debuted.  Since then the Friday Harbor Collection has been brewing in my head, I am so excited to finally see it all come together.







12 thoughts on “Friday Harbor Preorder

  1. The line is amazing!

    I imagine that you have an incredible time with this business.
    I would love to hear about the in’s and out’s of how your company works! Do you come up with the designs?

    It is all just so darling. I am hoping to get a couple of thing’s for my Emersyn May. 🙂

    Take care!

  2. Oh it all looks great…

  3. OMG You have so out done yourself! Amazing as always; I want one of everything! I am going to be in so much trouble 😉
    Thank you for the beautiful line of clothing.

  4. I live above Lime Kiln State Park on Mt. Dallas. (yeah, I know, it’s tough to take) It’s so nice you enjoy the island and have named a collection after our town. And the Friday Harbor collection is lovely, by the way.

  5. Well done on yet another beautiful collection! Absolutely love the denim! And from some slightly experienced eyes…I would guess Hazel is posterior as well!! xoxo

  6. You have such great stories and such a fabulous life. There is something about creating from experiences and I think it shows in your collections. All your clothing designs are timeless…. I love this new collection.

  7. OMG I had to grab those jeans! maybe for her first day of preschool in September???? who needs an excuse, they are sooo cute!

  8. I love hearing the inspiration behind collections. It is funny how inspiration can come from anywhere be it a place, a book, a fabric, even just a feeling. Thanks so much for sharing this Jen. I am heading over to feast my eyes on this gorgeous collection:)

  9. I think the jeans are going to be your biggest seller. My daughter Hannah must have a pair….so she has explained 🙂
    The story is even better…looks like an awesome place and great memories for you. Congrats on your new line.

  10. Oh my that place looks amazing!!!

  11. That Josephine set is adorable! It’s all gorgeous, what am I saying! Wish I could buy it all…. 🙁 The pictures of that place are wonderful!

  12. Never seen a cuter pair of jeans. Love them. Cant wait for them to come…now Im thinking I should have added a dress.

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