Emma Blouse winners


Leslie Grimmer


Jennifer(JLC Photography Expressions)


Congratulations!  Please email me the size desired.


Another lovely photo from Amanda Keeys

6 thoughts on “Emma Blouse winners

  1. Congratulations to the five who won the lovely blouse! =) How fun!

  2. Another beautiful photo. Girly blouse, girly curls… Love it.. Thanks for sharing, Jen..
    Congratulations to those who won.. I’m happy for each of you.

  3. Doeth! ahahaha. COngrats everyone!!!!

  4. oh darn…i missed it…
    but congrats to the other ladies
    ( she says with a jealous smile)

  5. i am so excited i won….that is so awesome Jen.

  6. Beautiful bouse – charming model! Jen, do you read this blog – http://www.mycharmingkids.com ? If not, go take a look and read about Stellan and his struggle. I don’t know her, but my heart aches so for her watching as her little one fights for his life. I know she must feel so helpless.

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