Emma Blouse giveaway


Emma blouse from the Cobblestone CollectionShown here with the buttons worn in front.

I have long admired Amanda Keeys photography and I was so excited to see what she would do with eden’s bouquet. She didn’t disappoint!  Here is a preview. Many more photos to come.

It’s Monday, let’s have a giveaway.  I will be giving away the Emma Blouse to 5 readers that comment on this post. Comments will be closed at 8pm PST and a random drawing will be held in the Windy Ridge gathering room.  Winners will be announced tomorrow morning.

Good Morning!

75 thoughts on “Emma Blouse giveaway

  1. Good Morning sure no dissapointment the pictures are amazing as are the clothing my favorite.
    Great day to you.

  2. Beautiful, dreamy photo!

  3. Love the photo, and the blouse!

  4. I just love the style of this blouse. It’s so wonderful that you are offering it to someone for FREE! If I win, my princess will look great in her first EB garment.

  5. Lovely outfit and photo 🙂

  6. The photo is stunning and the blouse…. I’ve just recently discovered Eden’s Bouquet and am so in love with your clothes. As soon as I came across your website I ordered a few pieces right away and have two more things on the way. Whenever Layla wears her Eden’s Bouquet people stop me to say that they love her outfit and she looks like a baby doll. You have been blessed with an amazing design talent! (I also love reading your blogs….)

  7. Wow Jen! What a beautiful photo…and another generous giveaway…you are too kind! Hope you are feeling better with the Zofran. = )

  8. You MUST be feeling better … a giveaway. 🙂 How exciting!!

  9. I love this blouse, pick me, pick me! (size 4T)

  10. Will you be giving away a little girl to wear said blouse? If so, I am so in!
    Have a great week,

  11. Beautiful Blouse! What’s the donkey snacking on today? We have a drive through window at our house too….all the neighborhood kitties love to stop by. That post really made me laugh!

  12. Oh my, what a precious blouse! I just love clothes for little girls that allow them to actually look and dress like little girls!
    This is the most darling line of clothes, just what us mommies need for our girls, clothes meant to preserve childhood!

  13. When I opened your blog I was just thinking this photo is amazing, but then again all your images are breath taking! Love the blouse, and well all of the clothing!

  14. Adorable!

  15. I so enjoy your website and your blog. It’s so nice to see little girls dressed like little girls. That photo is amazing and what an amazing photographer! I can’t wait to see the rest of the pics! 🙂

  16. How lovely of you!!!!
    Are you feeling more bean kicks?

  17. oh, pick me, pick me!!
    {have i told you how good you look lately]?

  18. That picture is beautiful! Love the blouse too!

  19. Wish I could have more kids just so they could wear your clothing, but I am too old for labor. 🙂

  20. I LOVE Amanda’s photography! She is wonderful. I think that Layla would be pretty darn cute in that blouse so I am going to hope that a little prayer over that gathering room makes me one of the lucky 5;)

  21. Oh this is beautiful!!! I love Amanda’s work and have always loved that blouse!!

  22. Beautiful! I am just certain that my Emma girl needs this blouse;)!

  23. I am new to your clothes, just purchased a pair of cute ruffles from your sale, and cannot wait to see them in my own hands! Your collection, and beautiful photography make me wish for those summer days as a child playing in the field in my “church best” clothing… i want my daughter’s to have that too! Would love to win! Thank you for the beautiful clothes!!

  24. I love the vintage travel theme of the photo and the blouse is great!

  25. Oooh Olive wants one! I love the ruffly sleeves and high neck.

  26. Love this Blouse…but, I love all of your designs!! I am a photography fanatic and this is an awesome shot!!~~Melanie

  27. Gorgeous!!!! I love photo and the thought of wearing backwards.

  28. Very Pretty Blouse! Great photography too. Oh goody a giveaway, what better way to celebrate Spring!
    Wendy P.

  29. Love this blouse!

  30. This blouse is beautiful and named just perfectly! Oh how I would love to wear this on my little princess for spring pictures! How perfect it would be:) I am a huge fan!!!!

  31. Well, Hellloooo!! How exciting…Another wonderful giveaway.. Great photo to Amanda, and great blouse to Jen.
    Happy Monday.

  32. I love these clothes! I have three beautiful nieces that would love this!

  33. I love that photo. Just gorgeous. Your blog makes me wish for a life on Windy Ridge and the clothing…simply dreamy!

  34. Love the blouse, it’s just perfect!

  35. Love the blouse!

  36. What a lovely top! Very nice photography, too!:-) I LOVE your blog!!

  37. So funny, because I had decided that today was the day I was going to leave my first comment. I discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago from Melaine at My Sweet Savannah. I have been captivated by your lovely photography and your beautiful home. I just wanted you to know that your blog is delightful, and whether or not I am lucky enough to win one of your lovely shirts (I *heart* all your designs, by the way) I will certainly be back!!!

  38. Please add me to the drawing!

  39. I actually ordered 2 of these same blouses, but have 3 girls so I could always take one more 🙂

  40. Would luv to see my daughter in one of your beautiful, classic blouses~Thanks,Amy!

  41. Jen
    I so enjoy your blog, maybe because I have a large family also and just enjoy
    seeing your honesty and how you connect as a family.
    I have 4 little granddaughters, any of whom, would be lovely in your Emma blouse.
    Thanks so much for your generosity.

  42. Beautiful!

  43. Well, I may as well get in line too and hope you choose my name! =) If not, I’ll still be back for many more enjoyable moments reading and dreaming!

  44. What a darling blouse and picture. Eden’s Bouquet clothing is by far my favorite(& even my husbands). My daughter always gets so many comments when she wears Eden’s Bouquet. I have recommend you clothing countless times.

  45. Amanda’s photography really captures the essence of your style! I can certainly see why you’d want to see what she would do with Eden’s Bouquet. Beautiful! Breath-taking, actually!


  46. I just love your blog! Beautiful photos! It would just make my day to win the stunning Emma Blouse!

  47. Oh how generous! I love this sweet blouse-everything you do is just gorgeous!:)

  48. What an awesome treat for a Monday! Just love your blog, what a beautiful life and family you have!

  49. what a marvelous photograph of a lovely little girl! love the blouse too 😀

  50. Beautiful blouse!!! The picture is stunning!

  51. I love your blog and sometimes I dream that I too live at Windy Ridge. 🙂
    I love the blouse, maybe because I have my own little Emma:)
    Much love and blessings to you!


  52. you are the best designer, and where you live is spectacular 🙂

  53. Holy cow! Beautiful photography announcing a giveaway of the most beautiful clothes around. Please pick me!

  54. Love it w/ the buttons on front. Gives it a new look. I keep eyeballing your beautiful blouses online and hope that I will win this giveaway. My sassy 3 year old will look dashing in it-and we have pictures coming up too!

  55. This photo is amazing!!!! I love the blouse so much:)

  56. Can’t wait to see the other pictures!

  57. Oh, oh, pick me! I’ve been salivating (sp?) over EB for a long time… if only I can get to the point where don’t have to turn around and invest everything form MJ back in the business.

    anyway, great giveaway! Love that top!

  58. Just love the Emma blouse! The photography is so gorgeous too, maybe I will be there one day! Jen, I hope that you are feeling much better, and I love the new house it is just too beautiful! It makes me dream of living in the country! Take care and have a wonderful week!

  59. beautiful!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Love, love, love the look! Beautiful photo, beautiful blouse. We have our first grandbaby on the way and just found out last week it is a girl. Wouldn’t she look adorable in the Emma blouse!

  61. I just got out last year’s outfit to see if it still fits…..but we could always use another one!!!! Love your stuff, your photos and blog.

  62. As with all of your items, this blouse is simply lovely–as Amanda’s photography 🙂

  63. Love the darling blouse and your blog. I am a country girl that now lives in the city. Your blog reminds me of home. A small town of 350 people.


  64. The blouse is elegant and would ensure my little 22 month old’s perfect birthday portrait coming up in May! I LOVE the ruffles…

  65. Oh gosh!!!

    I hope I’m not too late Jen!

    I simply adore your work- you are a true artist in every sense of the word, weaving magic into your clothes! When I look at your beautiful work, I see dreams, history, Americana, something larger than everyday life all rolled into one. You’re not just a designer, you’re a designer that delicately makes little people’s specialness come to life.

    I would love to have something made by you!

  66. And I forgot to mention- Amanda is a genuis with the camera…her pictures are heart-achingly beautiful!

  67. LOVE this blouse! Please pick me! 🙂 My daughter (and her momma) are a big fan of Eden’s Bouquet!

  68. love this blouse. love everything here.

  69. Love the photography, however it certainly helps to have gorgeous things to photograph 🙂

  70. pick me!

  71. Love the photo as well. You can see and feel the mood. Gorgeous outfit, as usual!

  72. I just love your clothing line . Hopefully I will win 🙂

  73. I’m a fan of Amanda Keeys as well. How fun to see her pictures and Eden’s Bouquet together!

  74. I’m crossing my fingers (and toes!) and hoping that I’ll get picked for the giveaway.
    Love the Emma Blouse!

  75. I love this blouse….I bought it for my daughter and she look precious in it. This photo is awesome. turn around the blouse…what a great idea

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